Drinking coffee

I drink too much coffee. I was worried if it might cause any health issues in the future. Thank you all for the reply
Coffee's supposed to be good for you in certain amounts, yes. If coffee helps you do your job better or focus, and you make money, then yep that's good for your health because look! Now you can afford healthy food.

It's kind of like salad. Yes, salad is healthy. But ranch dressing, croutons, and sugary additives aren't part of the health equation. I think some people drink "coffee," which is to say darkened cream and sugar, because they really don't like the coffee, and aren't going to pay more for some higher quality (because they don't like the coffee they're drinking already). I take mine black more than 90% of the time as I've just acquired the taste, and usually drink a decent brew.
a pot a day, with one spoon of sugar and one spoon of creamer per 20 oz cup.....don't know if it's good for me or not, but i know it's not good for everyone else if i don't get it
Haha. That's perfect. "Me drinking coffee is good for your health."

Do any of you guys do cold brew? I can't do hot coffee during the summer, so cold brew is my go to. I'll make a concentrate that lasts me about a week. Use a high quality coffee, and you'll relish drinking your coffee black, it's so naturally sweet without all the bitter acids that the heat pulls out of the bean. Or use a normal coffee and doctor it up with a bit of cream and sweetener if you like. Cold brew makes a mediocre coffee better, not great, but better.
Haha. That's perfect. "Me drinking coffee is good for your health."

Do any of you guys do cold brew? I can't do hot coffee during the summer, so cold brew is my go to. I'll make a concentrate that lasts me about a week. Use a high quality coffee, and you'll relish drinking your coffee black, it's so naturally sweet without all the bitter acids that the heat pulls out of the bean. Or use a normal coffee and doctor it up with a bit of cream and sweetener if you like. Cold brew makes a mediocre coffee better, not great, but better.
Cold brew concentrate is good but it's not the same as hot brewed coffee so preference becomes a matter of taste. French press coffee poured over ice with some milk, nutmeg and simple syrup to taste is my preferred summer afternoon pick me up. I've made concentrate and found it lacking in flavor compared to french press but like to have concentrate along on on camping trips.

For camping, on days when I want to get going fast, short prep time and no cleanup become more important and it becomes a choice between concentrate and instant. Concentrate wins hands down so long as a cooler is available.
a pot a day, with one spoon of sugar and one spoon of creamer per 20 oz cup.....don't know if it's good for me or not, but i know it's not good for everyone else if i don't get it
Keep yourself caffeinated, roger. I'd hate to see what angry coffee-headache Roger looks like.

I used to drink six cups of coffee before heading in to work then drink more when I got there. I didn't really notice what it was doing to me until illness forced me to stop drinking coffee and could compare my behavior before and after. I abstained for a while after I recovered but I like coffee and the pep it gives me. I regularly drink coffee now but cut back. I've scaled it down to two cups in the AM before work and am less crabby for it.
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Cold brew concentrate is good but it's not the same as hot brewed coffee so preference becomes a matter of taste. French press coffee poured over ice with some milk, nutmeg and simple syrup to taste is my preferred summer afternoon pick me up. I've made concentrate and found it lacking in flavor compared to french press but like to have concentrate along on on camping trips.

For camping, on days when I want to get going fast, short prep time and no cleanup become more important and it becomes a choice between concentrate and instant. Concentrate wins hands down so long as a cooler is available.
Sure, everything comes down to personal preference. I enjoy french press coffee too, I think it's a great way to make a fresh cup of hot coffee. I like using an Aeropress as well. It wasn't about cold brew being superior, just that it's a method I enjoy. As long as I get caffeinated, and get some enjoyment out of it, it's all good in my book.
Nabob Tradition is our usual brew but have to wait until that's on sale as it's $20 for a 930g/2lb can.

We have a BUNN brewer for our coffee so it's ready in 3 minutes after dumping the water in. RO water only so after 6 years it still brews like brand new.

Drink that stuff right up to bedtime and sleep like a baby. The cocobudder and tokes before bed probably help with that tho. :)