Drip Feed Vs. Deep Water Culture


Well-Known Member
I have two different types of systems.....i Have a drip feed system that i originally bought and i made a dwc system to make more space for the plants to grow hight wise......just looking for some opinions what would be better to use and also if i use the deep water culture system how far do i put the water level below the netting pots.....or if i use the drip feed system how often do i set timer? this is my first grow so trying to learn this hydro thing as i go along.....messed up twice already and dont wanna do it again....thanks for the help...

this is the actual system i bought....


Active Member
I am using a similar system. I usually keep the water about 4 inches from the bottom of the net pots. But when they are young I run feeding tubes from a submersible pump straight to the net pot until the roots have about 4 inches into the water.


Active Member
I have two different types of systems.....i Have a drip feed system that i originally bought and i made a dwc system to make more space for the plants to grow height wise......just looking for some opinions what would be better to use and also if i use the deep water culture system how far do i put the water level below the netting pots.....or if i use the drip feed system how often do i set timer? this is my first grow so trying to learn this hydro thing as i go along.....messed up twice already and dont wanna do it again....thanks for the help...

this is the actual system i bought....
I have had good luck with DWC i run a DWC bubbler bucket system and use a submersible pump to feed them from the top on the light timer cycle 18 on 6 off for the vegging peroid then pull the pump at the begining of flowering and run straight bubbler i also double the airstones and air input to the buckets. Works for me incredible growth rate when everythings right
i get an inch a day. But whatever works best for you there are numerous systems and almost all can produce good results. some require more time and attention and are more difficult to perfect. try the DWC
i find it fairly easy once you get it set up and balanced. i would recommend using a good enzyme in your tanks makes a big difference i use Cannazyme its pricey but works great.


Active Member
I am using a similar system. I usually keep the water about 4 inches from the bottom of the net pots. But when they are young I run feeding tubes from a submersible pump straight to the net pot until the roots have about 4 inches into the water.
I agree with four inches from bottom i also keep the level just touching the bottom of the net pots for the first week or two until i get a good root mass.


Active Member
I would have to agree cantoke. I prefer the DWC. Think of it this way. With a DWC system the plant can eat as much as it wants. As apposed to other systems where its can only eat when you feed it. Although balancing the res can prove to be tricky at first.


Well-Known Member
Ok now with the dwc system do I have to keep lowering the water level as the roots grow or how does that work.....might be a dumb question but I have no idea the answer.....all opinions help me out a lot I appriciate it......


New Member
Ok now with the dwc system do I have to keep lowering the water level as the roots grow or how does that work.....might be a dumb question but I have no idea the answer.....all opinions help me out a lot I appriciate it......
The plants do thatvthemselves by drinking


Well-Known Member
I lay drip tape at the edge of the canopy and keep that obviously wet. The plants take what water they want by establishing a root zone. This is outdoors of course. Veganic in the desert. It doesn't get any simpler.