Drip irrigation


Well-Known Member
Never did a drip Irrigation before. I have a small setup with a 5 gallon reservoir mixed with my nutrient combos. I have 3/4 hose with the drip lines running off of that to my plants, that is planted in a mixture of perlite/coco coir (40/60).

My question is.... How long would you normally let it drip for every day?
Check out Blumats
Listen to the guy , blumats rox its the best irrigation system arround .. very reliable and easy , you just need to have your reservoir in a higher posicion so it works properly , its functions by "gravity". Off course if you connect to the watersource you dont need it cause you already have pression in there.
But i supose you want to add the nutrients and everything in your reservoir soo...
I sugest if your pot its big enought you go with the Maxi Version not the Normal.

I run 2 gallon to one gallon smart pots.

I'm using the 2 gallons smart pots this round, but i just can't put many in there. If i use one gallons, i can fit 6 of those pots in the cab. I've been averaging 40-50 grams from one plant. if i use one gallons, and no more than i smoke, that will last me a long while.

If i buy the blumats, will i be able to use the 1 gallon pots?

This is my current setup


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The reason i'm doing Drip irrigation is because i have to get on my knees to water my plants as i am doing scrog. I have very bad knees and when i get down on them for 10mins i'm in some tremendous pain for the rest of the day..

Buy magnesium chloride crystals (Swanson Vitamins). Make ~ a pint of Sol (strong solution) keep it in a jar. Apply several times a day, rub it in. Also get DMSO: if not readily available, substitute with organic coconut oil.

Rub the CO on your knees in between Mg Sol rubs and take a tspn/tbs of oil and begin "oil pulling". Look it up for details. Within a few weeks you should feel an improvement

Also, see my thread for a simple DIY F & D
Just make sure your medium gets soaked through. I ran a drip irrigation system and the roots grew to the drip site as I wasn't leaving it on long enough to soak all of the medium. Small root mass and it didn't venture to the bottom of the pot until I hand watered instead. Have a look at autopots. That's what I'm running now.