Drip or bubble ?


Well-Known Member
Driping system or bubbleponic system? wich one is better ive got two dripping systems and im thinking about gettin rid of them and building bubble systems instead...


Well-Known Member
i have my system running both,,the drip applies a constant direct feed, and the airctones provide perfect aeration for the roots once they hit the water..
Keep the later level one inch or so from the bottom of the net cup, and get lots and lots of bubbles in there..


Well-Known Member
Check out an Emilys Garden hydroponic System. I am haveing outstanding luck. Only 100 bucks and they come with everything.


Active Member
I'd go with Bubbleponics. I have three 5 gallon buckets right now. All I have been doing is topping the buckets off with fresh nutes every 2 days. Going very well. Harvest in three weeks. No maintenance, no hassles. My first hydro setup.


Well-Known Member
Can i expect a bigger yield with bubble systems? im running two 600w hps over my dripping systems (Atami Wilma 8-pot) at the moment.
One of my friend is using it and he told me that dripping systems are 70% better then soil and bubble systems are about 120% better then soil when it comes to yield...
And one more thing im deffinetly gonna try this thing out but how many plants could i fit in a bubbleponic under each light 600HPS?
Thanks for all the good reply´s


Well-Known Member
bubbleponic and bubbler DWC are different things as far as i know. Bubbleponics is the Stealth Hydro system that supposedly aerates the water going through the irrigation hub that then send a constant drip to eah plant via tubing. A bubbler deep water culture system is where you have the water sitting below the netpots and using massive ammounts of air through airstones you moisten the medium through bubbles popping on the surface. Both systems innevitably become DWC systems once the roots hit the water, and at that point the more air in the water the better. While the SH system (bubbleponics) clearly works, i think you could better spend the money on getting as much air as possible into your res by buying a couple good aquarium pumps and a bunch of good airstones. DWC work just fine, and the hardest thing about it is res temps.


Well-Known Member
Im going with it... but how many plants do i put under 1200watts? i was thinking about going scrog also


Well-Known Member
demosthense has some good advice. you will run into problems though in DWC if you are dripping from the top and the roots sit entirely in the water. they dont like wet feet so to speak-i.e damp rockwool. and care ful how many plants you put in one res.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking a 100 liter res or two 50 liter under 1200 watts is that too much...
Still cant figure out how many plants im gonna go with since im gonna be using the scrog method... any help with that?


Well-Known Member
with scrog you don't need very many plants because you're going to encourage them to be as bushy as possible and you'll give them lots of time to veg to produce the best most tops. How big is your space? How long do you want to veg for? What strain? Clones or seeds?
for redudancy at cost pick two reses. for cheapness and ease pick one. 1200 watts is enough for lots of plants, or a couple large bushes.
personally, i like the sog method in small spaces with hydro because it's easy to grow multiple plants in hydro and i don't like the idea of having a long term hydro plant, two many opportunities for something to go wrong (ie me fuck something up lol) and kill all that invested time. scrog probably works best in wide areas where height is the main restriction.


Well-Known Member
I have a grow tent homebox xl its 120cm x 120cm and im growing nothen lights and white widdow maybe im also gonna have Aroura indica.
I want to keep my vegging time at the minimum what would you recommend some good ideas would be grate :) I was thinking about 10-20 plants! Im also thinking about combining DWC and drip or DWC and ebb&flow...