You should never water during lights-off. Transpiration all but stops in lights-off and the plants will get by in the moisture in the rootmass.
I should have been more specific. I actually run my lights at night, 7pm to 1pm for veg cycle, and 7pm to 7am for flowering. So actually, this was done during the lights-on cycle. I haven't been running the pump at all during the lights-off cycle.
I'd prefer 5 min watering durations each hour during lights-on.
While that would probably be ideal, my timer only allows for 15 min intervals. To do as you suggested, I'd have to get myself a cycle timer.
Yea 4x8 is a pretty big tray to flood but I have seen other guys do it.
I'm sure guys have done it, it's just that I got into hydro to make growing easier on me (not having to lug dirt, mix up a bunch of 5 gal pots, etc.) So I'd rather not have to deal with getting 100 gal. of R/O water every res change (I have an R/O machine but it'll only output about 10 gal. a day max. so it would take me more than a week to fill the res!)
If you're doing SoG....
Yes, this is my intention. I have 22 plant sites set up on a 4x8 table (gives me approx. 1 sq.ft. of space per plant). After I clone one of these females, I'll veg them out to about 1 ft. tall, then flower. Is that a good time to switch to 12/12 for SoG?
And if you really want to go with a flood setup, the poster above me Al b. fuct can set you in the right direction. He really knows his shit.
I know, I've read many a post by Al. B, very knowledgable indeed.
SoG just happens to work well with plants in pots of some sort of media, watered with a flood tray. Allows you to move plants around, remove poor performers, etc. Flood systems are also deadly simple to set up and operate. That simplicity makes them stupidly reliable. Can't clog, easy to clean.
Makes sense. I could convert easily enough. I'd just take the coroplast covers off my 4x8 table and use my 5 gal pots that I used to soil grow in and fill them 2/3 the way up with hydroton. This would actually displace enough volume on my table so that I could run a smaller res. Question though, obviously the flood table is wide open to the air/lights, would this be a problem for algae growth? Al. B. maybe you could answer this one?
Either way, hopefully I can get my current system fine tuned enough that I don't encounter this problem again. Thanks again, to all those who contibuted to this thread, I'm very greatfull for your help and the wealth of knowledge that many of you posses.
Over and out (for now). I'll keep updating.