Drip system recommendation for a 2x4?

Your best option for a small tent would be a drip manifold like this. They make them with different number of ports and they are fairly cheap, I would do 2 lines per plant.
Cannabis irrigation supply sells 12-port manifold kits for like $26 and it has everything you need except for a pump and whatever tubing you want to use to connect your pump to the manifold. You could just copy their kit and buy a 4 or 8 port manifold for your 2x4 tent.

This is pretty much exactly what I want to do!
I was looking at the blumat automatic watering system but I’m digging this a little more, was this all diy ? If there’s a product you can point me to that does the same as this I’d really appreciate it !
This is pretty much exactly what I want to do!
I was looking at the blumat automatic watering system but I’m digging this a little more, was this all diy ? If there’s a product you can point me to that does the same as this I’d really appreciate it !
My veg setup is all diy. Used an under bed shoe storage box from HD for the tray. Put it raked to one side for gravity drainage. Drains straight into the res, which is a storage tote from either HD or Lowes, can't remember. In the tote is a pump the feeds up into a t splitter, that then goes into the two Rainbird 8 way manifolds pictured above. The tent is a 2x4 that holds 8 clones - it gets a bit crowded as I'm approaching harvest, but it's the biggest tent I have room for in my new place. Each Delta 10 block has a floraflex cap on top, with two lines per plant. It's easy and efficient.

They then go into the 4x8, which is ebb and flow buckets with the rez(50 gallon trash can) outside the tent. Controller/brain is inside with the buckets.
This is pretty much exactly what I want to do!
I was looking at the blumat automatic watering system but I’m digging this a little more, was this all diy ? If there’s a product you can point me to that does the same as this I’d really appreciate it !
If you're talking to me.... it's just a 6 Gallon old nute container with a 1/2 inch nipple, 1/2 inch tubing, and a T valve. All of this shit you can buy at a hardware store, as well as the fittings. The Rain Rings came from HydroBuilder. Fill you gravity feed tank with your feed, turn the valve on, and walk away.... or watch it work... takes about 7 min. to dump.
are those caps flexible? I use the round flora caps but they are a real bitch to get on plants once the stem gets too fat because they are hard plastic and they only give you a half inch gap to fit your stem through.
Yeah, the tops are very flexible, basically fancy "paper plate" material.
You still have to get them installed fairly early because the drip ring is not so flexible.
About the 1/2" gap you mentioned iirc.
AC Infinity has these self watering trays:

They seem to be getting good reviews. I have no personal experience.

This is certainly a lot easier than setting up a drip system, and eliminates the possibility of drip system leaks (the reason I don't use a drip system, I can't afford to have a leak).
Here's a cheap to build gravity feed I built. Nothing to break really. Rain rings were prob the most expensive part of it, but it works great.

beautiful gonna copy this....except that dam clear tubing is a bitch to keep algae outta, just experienced this. i know this is old, so youve probably experiened this. think ill also use a pump and the gravity in case pump fails. also might get timer but im in room everyday so really dont need it. great idea might skip pump too.
For a 2x4 you can do good with 2 plants. To water those get a small submersible (aquarium), add some tubing with a T-splitter and then into a dripring/irrigation halo thingy for each plant. If you're feeling fancy add quarter turn valves to each plant to equalize the water flow for each plant.

Turn the pump on with a wifi capable socket and you have automation for 40-50 bucks including all parts.
Two healthy plants will completely fill a 2x4
More plants won't equate to more bud

Had this argument with someone yesterday. He said a 5x15 ft row of plants with 12 x 5 gals will produce more than 6 10 gals. I explained so long as the whole footprint of the light is being filled out with tops, it doesn't make a difference. The only thing that will change is veg time and how plants are trained. Also 10 gal plants will typically grow larger buds than 5 gals. I tend to get a lot of smalls from 5s unless I heavily prune/lollipop. Not saying 5s make only small buds but plants with a larger root mass will almost always produce larger buds, branches, leaves etc.