Driving 1400km (900m) in one sitting

Where are you going? I wanna go D&B raving!!
I think it depends on the motorways. They are great in the US. However the Autopistas here are not as safe.

Your journey is London to Leeds return and back to Leeds. Fuck that!

I once got up early in London with my best friend and she and I drove to Rotterdam, Holland to see our friends. Took til early evening, I was doing 120mph from France all the way there.

Lol Lahada!

Ive got a little incospicious kia rio. Faggy litte car but i get 100km out of less than a gallon combined driving, and thats driving like youve got a purpose. Can one avoid paying toll in france like we do here, just tell them to fuck off at toll?
Yo lahada Im going to Antwerp and plan on dropping by Holland the day after the rave to see whats good, prolly wont go dam though. I have a few friends playing at that rave, its one of the best jump up events in europe. Check cityflow on google. And join the drum and bass thread lahada didnt think of you as a bass head, its good to attempt to liquify your internal organs on a regular basis my doctor said. Kinda wanna see you skank now.

Im liking you guys crazy driving stories. I know i could do it just the recovery i think i am underestimating. I should prolly go so as to arrive a good few hours before event and crash in the unit for a bit, im starting to think
But ye guys thanks youve given me a bit more confidence, i thought people would drive like crazy in america cause of all the mways and sheer land expanse.

Lahada we should go to razzmatazz on a thursday, this month theres a good couple of nights. Andy C is comng end of month i think Hazard and Hype too just before. Hospital records recently done their hospitality night here too. This saturday planning to go to Mama Mandawa in Cerdanyola. Good ragga jungle if youre into that.
Lol Lahada!

Ive got a little incospicious kia rio. Faggy litte car but i get 100km out of less than a gallon combined driving, and thats driving like youve got a purpose. Can one avoid paying toll in france like we do here, just tell them to fuck off at toll?
Yo lahada Im going to Antwerp and plan on dropping by Holland the day after the rave to see whats good, prolly wont go dam though. I have a few friends playing at that rave, its one of the best jump up events in europe. Check cityflow on google. And join the drum and bass thread lahada didnt think of you as a bass head, its good to attempt to liquify your internal organs on a regular basis my doctor said. Kinda wanna see you skank now.

Im liking you guys crazy driving stories. I know i could do it just the recovery i think i am underestimating. I should prolly go so as to arrive a good few hours before event and crash in the unit for a bit, im starting to think
But ye guys thanks youve given me a bit more confidence, i thought people would drive like crazy in america cause of all the mways and sheer land expanse.

Lahada we should go to razzmatazz on a thursday, this month theres a good couple of nights. Andy C is comng end of month i think Hazard and Hype too just before. Hospital records recently done their hospitality night here too. This saturday planning to go to Mama Mandawa in Cerdanyola. Good ragga jungle if youre into that.

Yeah! Let's go Razzmatazz ! I like it in there. Saw Ms Dynamite there a while back.

M8, I'm an original London junglist. I was friends with Stevie Hyper D. :( sometimes I look him up on YouTube but it upsets me. My sis is friends with Randall and my lot know Mickey Finn. Trust me, bak in da day, I was der!

"I is a Junglist soldier, fighting to keep the jungle alive"
Yeah! Let's go Razzmatazz ! I like it in there. Saw Ms Dynamite there a while back.

M8, I'm an original London junglist. I was friends with Stevie Hyper D. :( sometimes I look him up on YouTube but it upsets me. My sis is friends with Randall and my lot know Mickey Finn. Trust me, bak in da day, I was der!

"I is a Junglist soldier, fighting to keep the jungle alive"

Lol then you defo have to join the drum and bass thread, no true RIU junglist can skip it!!
Come this weekend to cerdanyola if youre into jungle so much, it will pure jungle vibes. See what kind of junglist you really are :bigjoint: Ive not been to a good jungle night since manchester. A fair bit of ragga jungle there.
Ill tell you when i next go to razz. Probably be when andy c comes.
Do you have english speaking friends who are also into dnb? All my friends are spanish and not that into dnb. I have met this group i always end up meeting at good nights but i really miss speaking english especially after breaking up with gf, only person i spoke english to lol.
Ive never met those guys a bit too old for me. Oldest guys ive met were grooverider as well as shy fx and hype. Shy fx is sound as. Recently met london Electricity you know? Hes been kicking around for tiiime too. Oh ye met SPY too the other night! thats another classic beast. He played this halfsteppy remix by himself of hazard's mr happy that is ridiculous! oh my days so much fire:fire:
I used to drive 16 hours in one day. I'm too old for that now and just split the drive in two days.
I am well seasoned on the highway. From rolling joints one handed in rush hour to a couple 2000+ mile drives to Cali and back.

One night we decided to cut through Yellowstone, I was dozed off around 1AM, in the front seat and my buddy was driving his stupid little Honda type R that sat very low to the ground. Next thing I know the front end is like 5-6ft off the ground. My first thought is "Oh fuck he just went off a cliff and we're about to die". Fucking guy ramped over a dead Mule deer laying in the middle of the road.
I would probably stay at hotel one night before hand. Of course whatever substance you'll be putting in your body at the rave, it may not matter how tired you are.
Fastest was LA to Vegas in 3 hours. Thank you cocaine.

Longest was SF to Edmonton. 28 hours or so with one shitty Descendants that was stuck in the tape deck to listen to.
Lol then you defo have to join the drum and bass thread, no true RIU junglist can skip it!!
Come this weekend to cerdanyola if youre into jungle so much, it will pure jungle vibes. See what kind of junglist you really are :bigjoint: Ive not been to a good jungle night since manchester. A fair bit of ragga jungle there.
Ill tell you when i next go to razz. Probably be when andy c comes.
Do you have english speaking friends who are also into dnb? All my friends are spanish and not that into dnb. I have met this group i always end up meeting at good nights but i really miss speaking english especially after breaking up with gf, only person i spoke english to lol.
Ive never met those guys a bit too old for me. Oldest guys ive met were grooverider as well as shy fx and hype. Shy fx is sound as. Recently met london Electricity you know? Hes been kicking around for tiiime too. Oh ye met SPY too the other night! thats another classic beast. He played this halfsteppy remix by himself of hazard's mr happy that is ridiculous! oh my days so much fire:fire:

Lol! I'm planning on going down the coast tomorrow or Sat. I've got a London friend out here who's a MC. I've got a huge mix of friends and some can't speak English- like tonight.

I went to Picnik on Montjuic on Sunday, got prang! :D def wanna go Razz. Would love to see Hype, blackmarket or Andy C. Groove rider is such an idiot- you know he served time in Dubai for a spliff? Bf loves apache Indian so yeah I know who shy fx is. I'm old remember! :)

Let's go raving and share drugs and see if we can get banned for the 'hook up' ! Lol
Lol! I'm planning on going down the coast tomorrow or Sat. I've got a London friend out here who's a MC. I've got a huge mix of friends and some can't speak English- like tonight.

I went to Picnik on Montjuic on Sunday, got prang! :D def wanna go Razz. Would love to see Hype, blackmarket or Andy C. Groove rider is such an idiot- you know he served time in Dubai for a spliff? Bf loves apache Indian so yeah I know who shy fx is. I'm old remember! :)

Let's go raving and share drugs and see if we can get banned for the 'hook up' ! Lol

Nicky Blackmarket is one of my favourite djs if not my favourite, seen him countless times live. I met hype a wee while ago and dint get that good a vibe off him tbh, still the guys a good dj and he keeps realeasing fire every year on true playaz.
Im gonna say this again, you ought to join the dnb thread woman! lol lock on to www.cre8dnb.com real underground online dnb station, theres a chat room too so you cn askfor titles of tunes etc.
Ill pm you when im going. Ive also got a new strain thats pretty stable i need testing by the seasoned stoner, care to help?