Driving across the country...


Well-Known Member
Only problem is that I *just* bought an ounce of the most amazing Sour Diesel of my life... I live in Tucson Arizona, close enough to the border... best part is that the first 9 hours of driving is right along a drug route w/ police dogs that search any "suspicious" car. I really doubt I'll get pulled over let alone searched because my car is very stereotypical, and having clothes, a bike, and some food doesn't really point to weed... regardless, I have an air tight container w/ my weed in 3 vaccum bags, I really really don't think any smell is getting through... it's also in a good hiding spot =/

Besides the fact that it's well hidden/masked, any advice for making sure those coppers don't catch it? Especially the dogs...

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Make sure all of your light work,even the licence plate one.Do not go more than 5-10 mph over the limit.
Do not pack your weed in the baggies till the day you leave.Pot that sits in baggies over a time will seep through,making it easier for the dogs to smell.OPH