Driving High.


Suppose you're in an accident and you'd been smokin' pot... you were only going 4 miles an hour... screech crash!...shit! I think we hit something! Na man, you forgot to open the garage door...Damn, thought I left the garage door open so the Domino's pizza guy knows we're home...shit, well at least no-one got hurt, garage door needs fixed...
Boom! A job has been created!:leaf:Bill Hicks


Well-Known Member
I actually drive quite well whenever I'm stoned. I don't get in such a hurry really..

that's the other thing that 'LEGALIZING CANNABIS' in all States in the United States of America would probably improve and help..

I'm talking about that all-too-well-known, Road Rage! I think that you would see a fair decrease in 'Road Rage'. JMO though. :)



Well-Known Member
I actually drive quite well whenever I'm stoned. I don't get in such a hurry really..

that's the other thing that 'LEGALIZING CANNABIS' in all States in the United States of America would probably improve and help..

I'm talking about that all-too-well-known, Road Rage! I think that you would see a fair decrease in 'Road Rage'. JMO though. :)


also, think of it like this ....
if it was legal, more people would smoke rather than drink therefore less alcohol related crashes:)


Well-Known Member
also, think of it like this ....
if it was legal, more people would smoke rather than drink therefore less alcohol related crashes:)
exactly!!!!!! Man, I don't know about you guys... but I bet if we all pulled together, and just put down (write down/record/etc..) all of the positive things that would come from legalizing cannabis in each and every state (the ones that have not yet passed the legalization laws for cannabis), for those of legal age.... we would have pages and pages and pages and pages.. of all kinds of positive facts that would come of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes and recreational purposes to those of legal age.

I don't know.. I just really think that we.. the people of the cannabis culture and society, if every single one of us.. pulled together and created a list of both the positive and the negative facts of legalizing cannabis... I know that, for a fact.. that the positive benefits for both the state that legalized it.. and of course the local potheads, would ABSOLUTELY and POSITIVELY, TRUMP... over the few negatives (mostly false information/claims from government officials that just want to keep cannabis on the 'War on Drugs' list along with the other, ACTUAL harmful drugs) that might come along with the legalization.

I mean, if I were to take every single positive fact, from legalizing cannabis in all U.S. states for those of legal smoking age.. it would honestly take a good solid 50+ pages to list them all.

If I were to list the 'negative' facts about legalizing cannabis... it would probably take maybe one or two pages! Two pages being the absolute max..

I don't know.. I just know that probably within my life-time, with a little bit of luck and faith.. maybe I'll live long enough to see it happen. The Cannabis Revolution! Ah yea, it's gonna be great!!

Anyhow, sorry for rambling.. I'm stoned and I have shit I have to get finished today outside.. before it rains tomorrow.. but I keep putting it off. I guess I should probably go out there and knock the yard work out.. get it over with. The sooner I get it over with.. the better it'll be.



bud bootlegger
the only thing is that my neighbors tend to get annoyed when i drive stoned as i always have my stereo on full blast and i'm usually singing at the top of me lungs, and i have to admit, i don't have the best voice..


Ah, Alex Grey, my favorite living artist, a true visionary. Nice to see someone on here who knows who Bill hicks was, I just love the connection between Tool, Alex Grey and Bill Hicks. Awesome!
This post was directed towards Willy Phister. Thumbs up man!


Well-Known Member
Ah, Alex Grey, my favorite living artist, a true visionary. Nice to see someone on here who knows who Bill hicks was, I just love the connection between Tool, Alex Grey and Bill Hicks. Awesome!
This post was directed towards Willy Phister. Thumbs up man!
Absolutely!! Alex Grey's artwork is incredible to say the least!! and well of course "][" [{}] [{}] ][_ is one the greatest pleasures that the human ear could ever experience♥ ♥ ♥ .


Alex Grey blows my mind and I do just love that when it happens. And Tool... not only is the music awesome, the message behind it is what I like to talk about. And if it weren't for Tool, I may never have heard of Bill Hicks. Love him and he is greatly missed, I would just love to hear what he would have to say on current events and issues. Miss ole George Carlin too.