DRO bagseed: 1st OFFICIAL GROW

Should I put both plants in
A.miracle grow 'organic' 2month feed
B.sta-green 6 month feed
C. 1 in mg and 1 in s-g

When should I transplant into 8' pots?
i wouldnt use MG at all myself i did before not good
when they are young like urs they have enough to survive for like 3 weeks with out food
wait the 3 or 3 1/2 weeks before feeding them u could give them nute burn this young
and by useing marical grow soil with that 3 month release in it ,it feeds ur baby everytime u water them up to 3 months and like i said a sec ago this young of a baby dont need food yet with MG ur are forcing food up thier throats witch will cuase nute burn or even lock out and when it does come time to feed them and u want to use nutes that soil is still feeding them if they r still alive assumeing.and by useing nutes and the soil release food to u r deff gonna get nute burn or lock out.
cuase if something goes wrong with them and u only need a certain nue to help them ur going to have all these nutes already in ur soil and it ant going to get any better
it could be like an overdose.try geting some soil with no nutes in it.i got bags of soil real cheap each under 10$ a bag i even paid under 5$ a bag before too and its good soil too. when u should transplant? u should transplant sometimes when u look at the bottom of the pot where the holes are some times after a while ull see roots coming out of the hole or even around the holes thats when u transplant and some times that dont even happen so some times ull know ur plant so when it seems that ur plant aint growing as fast as it did before try and losen the soilat the eges of the pot dont breack it all up just losen so the hole thing will slide out the small pot in 1 piece and look at the soil and if u see roots all around the bottom and everywhere then transplant it
use the same soil dont take the soil off the plant go to the new bigger pot and put enough fresh soil in there so when u lay ur plant with the soil still on it in the new soil its almost level to the top of the new pot make sure before puting in ur plant u moisten up the new soil at the bottomso u know it wont be dry or have dry patches in it then put ur plant in it and by having it so its almost level to the top u could add some fresh soil to the top and all around the sides of it and ull have alot more room at the bottom to grow the roots everwhere in the new soil they will like that.
and what do u mean 8 feet pots u mean 8" inch pots
ow ya and what i mean abot the metal cloths hanger bend it down hanging from some where towards the bulb bend the hanger into a u shape and have it hold the bulb side ways.put it right on the bulb its self
i wouldnt use MG at all myself i did before not good
when they are young like urs they have enough to survive for like 3 weeks with out food
wait the 3 or 3 1/2 weeks before feeding them u could give them nute burn this young
and by useing marical grow soil with that 3 month release in it ,it feeds ur baby everytime u water them up to 3 months and like i said a sec ago this young of a baby dont need food yet with MG ur are forcing food up thier throats witch will cuase nute burn or even lock out and when it does come time to feed them and u want to use nutes that soil is still feeding them if they r still alive assumeing.and by useing nutes and the soil release food to u r deff gonna get nute burn or lock out.
cuase if something goes wrong with them and u only need a certain nue to help them ur going to have all these nutes already in ur soil and it ant going to get any better
it could be like an overdose.try geting some soil with no nutes in it.i got bags of soil real cheap each under 10$ a bag i even paid under 5$ a bag before too and its good soil too. when u should transplant? u should transplant sometimes when u look at the bottom of the pot where the holes are some times after a while ull see roots coming out of the hole or even around the holes thats when u transplant and some times that dont even happen so some times ull know ur plant so when it seems that ur plant aint growing as fast as it did before try and losen the soilat the eges of the pot dont breack it all up just losen so the hole thing will slide out the small pot in 1 piece and look at the soil and if u see roots all around the bottom and everywhere then transplant it
use the same soil dont take the soil off the plant go to the new bigger pot and put enough fresh soil in there so when u lay ur plant with the soil still on it in the new soil its almost level to the top of the new pot make sure before puting in ur plant u moisten up the new soil at the bottomso u know it wont be dry or have dry patches in it then put ur plant in it and by having it so its almost level to the top u could add some fresh soil to the top and all around the sides of it and ull have alot more room at the bottom to grow the roots everwhere in the new soil they will like that.
and what do u mean 8 feet pots u mean 8" inch pots
ow ya and what i mean abot the metal cloths hanger bend it down hanging from some where towards the bulb bend the hanger into a u shape and have it hold the bulb side ways.put it right on the bulb its self

so basically I should keep sta-green?
Hey do you have a fred meyers in your area? Dude buy this, also buy, Worm castings, Perilite, maybe some sand vermiculite and mix it all up like 60% soil 20% worm castings and 20% perlite you wont be dissapointed! Dont use miracle grow man that shit is no good!! I have seen some good grows but for the most part dont do it!
if the plant is still under 3 weeks old do not use worm castings that is nutes and still too young for that but after 3 or 3 1/2 weeks old that is good to do just dont put super alot of it cuase u dont want a big dose of these nutes
if ur soil has time release nutes in it i wouldnt use it
just read the back of the bag and everywhere on it
if it dont say anything about nutes in it get it
just make sure u have peat moss/perlite/horticultural vermiculite and lime for ph balance
and ur straight with that till ur plants r 3 or 3 1/2 weeks old
i see this type of soil everywhere
I've been to wal-mart,home depot,lowes all the soils have nutes

oh btw its the only store that sell soil in my area........well that I visit