drobe lighting


Active Member
Hi im wanting to grow 1 plant in a 1 door wardrobe, 60(D)50(W)200(D) from ikea. Wondering if you reckon a 400w hps will run cool enough for this space. Looking at the 400whps duel spec envirolight from greens; 2 clip on fans, 1 clipped to the reflector aimed at the light also using only passive intake anda 4" extraction fan conntected to a carbon filter. Let me know if this is doable or if any alteratons need to be made.

Thanks, peace x


Well-Known Member
yeah i run a 150hps in a cab and its a BITCH to keep it cool without serious airflow and a cool ambient temp outside of the box. A cooltube setup will save you alot of headache i think


Well-Known Member
well your going to have to improvise somehow bro, 400w lamp is going to get hot, my friend runs a 400 n a room the size of a double walkin closet and he has to run an A/C in the same room to keep it around 75 degrees, if you can get good exhaust going you can create a little negative pressure inside the cab if its sealed good, that will bring the temps down a few degrees extra all on its own