

Active Member
Hi guys, a quick question I know it's normal for the leaves to drop once the light is off but every evening a couple of hours before my lights go off for the 6 hours the leaves all droop quire bad.

Is this normal? My temps are typically 15-20 degrees at night and 20 to max 30 during the day when the light is on.

At first I thought perhaps there was some heat stress going on so I taped my intake ducting to a fan inside the tent that rotates to get a nice even cold breeze over the top of them all but 3 hours ago they were all perky and happy looking, 2 hours before the light is due to go off and there all droopy and sad looking lol.

Never had this problem on my first grow!


Well-Known Member
hi, whats your watering schedule? light power? and variety as some dont like temp swings to much, and are you getting enogh air exchange, theres loads to look at, so if you can give more info people cleverer then myself might be able to put there finger on it for ya


Active Member
Sure should have provided all that. Well it's a hydroponic grow under 2 600 watts in cool tubes. Got a 4 inch intake straight from outside with a 6 inch venting straight outside also. It seems fairly consistent that 2 hours before the lights are due to go off they all droop! But when I wake up and the whole day while the lights on they are all very perky and look lovely

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Active Member
The tent has fairly good airflow. I have fans set up to get a really nice circulation inside with a slight breeze over the top of all plants

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Well-Known Member
could just freeze a 2 liter bottle of water and float it in there and see if it helps or not


Active Member
I haven't actually got a res, just 4 pots each with its own air stone. Not optimal I know! But the water seems ok

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Active Member
The roots all look healthy and white, no slime or gunk building up. They all have very good supply of air coming up into them too

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Active Member
Yeah, I don't actually. Need to get one I guess. You think the water is getting too hot?

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Well-Known Member
im not a hydro pro by any means but i know that the water needs to be cool for the plants to be happy


Active Member
Oh sure, but doesn't feel warm feels pretty cool tbh. And when I said 30 degrees that's the highest it's peaked it usually only around 20/22 degrees in there so not overly hot

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Well-Known Member
just dont say that they are getting tired and ready for bed and im sure someone more knowledgeable will be able to help you figure it out :D


Active Member
Ok here's some pics I just took, this is how they look 2 hours before the light goes off and then stay like it until morning when they are all perky for most of the day.

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