Drooping is getting worst! emergency surgery would be greatful!

dont water again until you can put your finger down into the soil and its dry a few inches down.also when the leaves start reaching up to the light you'll be in good shape. did you make holes in the bottom of that container for drainage?
In thirty+ years, I've never flushed a plant for general maintenance.

Yeah dude! I read in the Bible that you only supposed to flush if you were being a dumb ass and pour too much STRAIGHT nutrient in the medium. But them again you lean the plant and only flush that one part, right?
Yeah dude! I read in the Bible that you only supposed to flush if you were being a dumb ass and pour too much STRAIGHT nutrient in the medium. But them again you lean the plant and only flush that one part, right?

In soil you will have more reasons than that to flush as build up may occur and you can't just flush one part of soil. you would have to flush out all the soil or it will continue to overfeed the plant.
looks like root rot. this happened to me. if ur transplanting, look at the roots, if there anything but white then thats ur problem. let her dry out and then water again.