Drooping Leaves after 12/12


Hello everybody, first time grower here. My leaves are drooping and after much researching online I'm almost certain it's overwatering, but I still want to post this to see if anybody could provide any additional opinions. I am growing with cfl lights and using a small grow box, so I really don't have much space. My main goal is to have a small plant so I have a small pot and I started 12/12 very early as well. (I also plan to do lst later on to save space, IF my plant makes it.. hopefully :?)

This is what I did:

1.) Germinated/planted random bag seed and in 4 days, seed opened up and I proceeded to plant it into pot (fox farm soil).
2.) Let it grow for one week with 26 watt "cool" cfl light (no nutrients yet).
3.) After the one week I proceeded to start the 12/12 phase. Switched to 2 cfl lights, one 23 watt and another 13 watt "warm" lights. (still no nutrients)
4.) Into third day of flowering and after 3 solid days of 12/12, today I opened up my grow box to find drooping leaves.

So basically my plant is about 11 days old and now it seems to be dying. I checked the water and I can feel wet soil at about 2 inches down. If anybody could provide additional information I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time.



Hi, thanks for responding. The lights are about 3-4 inches from the plants.. I don't think the lights are the problem though because if you see closely there is a small amount of yellow on some of the leaves, particularly the bottom small ones. They were perfectly fine until I started doing 12/12 three days ago, not sure exactly what the problem is.


Well-Known Member
Well I would start off by switching into a real pot, not a net pot. That will be bad for the roots. Also it looks like it needs water bad. With holes on the side like that, the soil isnt holding any moisture and drys out faster then it should.



I agree with chronic, transplant into something different, and give it a good watering i bet it picks up.


Okay guys will do, I'll get to that first thing tomorrow; so should I stop or continue the 12/12 process.. I was supposed to switch it to the night cycle one hour ago, but I am not sure if that's such a good idea.


If you want it to go back to vegging then leave the lights on. I wouldn't switch back and forth a whole lot tho, your chances of it being a hermi go up


Okay guys will do, I'll get to that first thing tomorrow; so should I stop or continue the 12/12 process.. I was supposed to switch it to the night cycle one hour ago, but I am not sure if that's such a good idea.
The plants will not start to flower until they are ready to flower, regardless of the light cycle. It's fine to continue with the 12/12 cycle at this point, you will just see slower growth... which is what you said you wanted.

If it was me, since the plant is so young and it's only been in 12/12 for three days, I would keep the lights on for a day or two until it perked back up after the repot and a good watering. Then drop it back into 12/12 and leave it there. Switching the light cycles back and forth is very stressful, but damn, that little thing is already about as stressed as it can be...


Thanks for all your help guys, 5 hours later after watering the plant heavily, the leaves are back to normal and looking good again. I'll get her a new pot and water her more often to make sure this doesn't happen again.


can any 1 advise me my plant is 8 weeks old and was looking so healthy until a week into 12 12 the leaves look limp and lifeless and drooping so badly what could be the problem thanks