Drooping leaves and purple stems!


So I have 2 Jack Herer plants I started from seed about 3 months ago. Both were feminized and are already showing sex. they have been in flower for 1 week.

The plant on the right has droopy leaves on the bottom half, really droopy, they point straight down. The stems to these fan leaves are also very dark purple which is different than on the top half of the plant. This started About a week ago and I thought it was over watering but I let the pot dry out almost bone dry then watered it and saw no change at all. The fan leaves on the bottom half have not moved or changed in a full week. They are at the bottom and don't get as much light because of the shadow from the fan leaves above. The stems and trunk on this one are also much smaller than on the other plant.

My temps are good, my feeding schedule seems good. I don't know what this could be. Anyone have any thoughts??



Leaves look really dark green ( show us pictures with HPS off ) , they have claw-like look --> Nitrogen overdose. Red stems can be caused by phosphorus deficiency , which You could not spot because of the Nitrogen. Generally - upload pictures showing the Real state of Your plant , not HPSed ;)


when I put them into flower a week ago I fed them Half strength maxi grow and half strength maxi bloom. Plus I added general organics cal mag at full strength because I use RO water. I repeated this same mix a couple days ago. Should I change what I'm feeding her?