Drooping leaves :(


Undercover Mod
That's not good man. You should do some reading or watch some grow videos, learn a little grow alot.


It also got knocked out of its pot about 5 days ago by a cat so I moved it to a 5 gal bucket. It seemed to be doing fine after that.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Start over. Any seed will fly by that plant. Not enough light, too much water, over fert.

Next time give it a ton of light and leave it alone.


hey try saving it, you can def get something from it. It takes time, reading and patience to have good mj. And like you said it got knocked over and is under/overwatered, and you just transplanted it. Leave it alone, and like jack the beanstalk said give it a lot of light, and water on schedule unless temps are too high and dry the soil out, then you water when necessary. Your plant does suck lol but don't worry a little tlc will atleast give you something if it's a female.


Active Member
don't throw it away!!!!

just let it go and continue to water as needed

dont give up because you hit a little bump

good luck and hope its a female


Active Member
also get the dirt level high that stem is stretched to much make the dirt level so that only 1-3" of the stem is above ground

it helps trust me


Undercover Mod
Nah these guys are misinformed once a plant is stunted it will never recover. That plant will continue to grow slow and it will be a waste of time.

newb weed grower

Active Member
wow man um tyah those leaves i dought can ever be saved
but ull learn somethign about this maybe the rain was just too much for ur baby