Can anyone help with this please
Plant seams to be drooping for the last 3 days with no improvement
I let the soil dry out an this is what happend
How do I fix this?any help will be grateful
How bad did it dry out?
Soil can dry out and get hydrophobic. I had an outdoor plant do it. I would water and water and it kept getting worse. All kinds of symptoms. I got mad and went to dig it up. As id it, I saw the whole center of the root mass was bone dry.
A cheap analog moisture probe is an easy way to test for this. Water it, pick it up in a few min and if it still feels light, it is dry.
Two ways to remedy this. First is to put a drop or two of dawn in your water to break the water tension. The second is to pop the cover off the bottom of the pot, if there is one and set them in a tray or tub and water. Water the tray to and let them sit in the water for a bit.
A couple of proper watering habits will prevent this. Water until there is run off. This will prevent salt buildup when using synthetic nutrients. Split your watering up. Lightly water your plants and wait about 15 minutes and water until run off. Moist soil draws moisture faster than dry soil.