By day she's up and good and by nite she's drooping,any thoughts?
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that's not much of a droop, in fact it looks really nice...so if that's what you call drooping, please show us a pic when she's all perkyBy day she's up and good and by nite she's drooping,any thoughts?
Never seen drooping like that before without the temps being high. I have no clue with the c02/dry ice method your talking about.Nite bout 68.day is about 75-77,2 plants with this issue, have good air movement,event give little co2,dry ice method,
I have been willing to try it, its just i have heard you need to have temps in a different range for use of c02 and my fans in my cab are all fixed speeds that i worked hard on to bring the temps back into the 70's. Co2 plants like mid 80f or so im told. Im still clueless with itYouTube.lol.have also heard or 2 litre bottle with sugar water and dry activated yeast,pretty simple u should check it out,not sure how good it works,?
Iv had plants that droop like that with high heat, but you said your temps are good right? Root rot is pretty easy to catch. It smells literally moldy and sour, and pretty hard to do imo unless the soil is never dry.Do u think it root rot or overeating issue?