Droopy but green leaves


image.jpeg image.jpeg My leaves on my plants are drooping yet still green. They've been doing it for a few days now. Don't believe it's a watering thing since I wait till they dry out and then water till about 20% run off. I mix perilite with basic ocean forest fox farms soil. Should I be mixing something else with it? Also, I just started feeding them tea that has bat and seabird guano,seaweed extract, and earthworm castings. I'm gonna buy some extra stuff to brew with the tea. I am transplanting soon too, I'm not sure if they're just outgrowing their pots and that's why they are starting to droop. Any advice helps! Thanks.
The plants tend to perk up when in their light and go into a droop when In shade, that is really the only thing I can think of that may cause this however I'm relatively new to this and still have a lot to learn.
You are watering too much IMO. Organic soil you don't have to water with excess of 20% your washing away your nutrients in your soil. If your plant is in a 1 gal pot give it 1 Litre of water.
View attachment 3970705 View attachment 3970704 My leaves on my plants are drooping yet still green. They've been doing it for a few days now. Don't believe it's a watering thing since I wait till they dry out and then water till about 20% run off. I mix perilite with basic ocean forest fox farms soil. Should I be mixing something else with it? Also, I just started feeding them tea that has bat and seabird guano,seaweed extract, and earthworm castings. I'm gonna buy some extra stuff to brew with the tea. I am transplanting soon too, I'm not sure if they're just outgrowing their pots and that's why they are starting to droop. Any advice helps! Thanks.
The best way to figure out if you are watering to often is to weigh a pot with dry soil and then to weigh the pots on the day you plan to water. I'd bet you are watering to often not letting them dry out enough. Next time you plan to water check the soil at the bottom of the pot. Is it nearly dry down there? So often somebody will say their soil is dry on top yet the bottom is still moist or wet.
The plants tend to perk up when in their light and go into a droop when In shade, that is really the only thing I can think of that may cause this however I'm relatively new to this and still have a lot to learn.
This is possible^

if the soils been wet pretty often lately and the leaves are down but push back when you try to move them in place and the leaf stems are still a little stiff in their shape thats a sign of overwatering.. but for me with overwattering the leaves usually cup a little and kinda get waxy looking. could be though

id have guessed wilting but clearly that soils wet