Droopy green leaves with brown spots


Active Member
First off, I want to thank the rollitup community for helping me get started. I've thrown a few posts around on the forums, and I've gotten some helpful advice.

Now onto my problem. I have 2 plants going now, in hopes that one of them will be female, but one of them started to show problems. It grew really big quickly, and the leaves quickly started to touch the soil. They eventually turned yellow then white, and started showing brown spots.

Someone on this board suggested that I cut those leaves off to make it focus it's energy on new growth instead of trying to repair the damage, so I did. Now some of the higher leaves are showing brown spots, but they're still green. I've attached a picture below.

The other plant is doing great. No signs of illness at all. They're both using Sea soil (2.1-.16-.05) and using CFLs. They're just short of 3 weeks old. I've uploaded an album to photobucket showing the progress and I can include the link here if there are interested parties in seeing all the pictures.

I don't know what the humidity/PH/temperature is, as I haven't gotten the meters for that yet (money issues), but soon I will hopefully be getting some more stuff.

Let me know what you think, and if you need any more information.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide!




Active Member
Bumping to get it back on the first page. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm worried that I'm going to have to scrap this plant.