droopy healthy dwc leaves


roots recently hit the water id say a week week and a half exploding in there growing fast lowered the light prob 4 days now but keeping a close eye on the temp its a little warm 76 is as high as i let it get and that is measuring in the light on the lid of the dwc at the bottom of the plants. ph level is good i added some water because 1 of the plants was dry out the water level was over the baskets a little i took it back out problem is my 4 plants on the edge sit a little higher the the ones in the center using a Rubbermaid tub 1 is 35 the other is prob 25-30 gals and ive got 3 pumps 6 stone 3 on each o yeah i ran a fish filtration system threw it the other day to get the cat hair that gets in there out water was changed 4 days ago not using a res any ideas?? sorry no digi my x broke the damn thing on someones head crazy bitch anyways please help!!
heres a little journal i did...
normal temp 74-76
humity around 35-44 percent
using pure blend pro 3-2-4
using around 1/3rd recomended for seedlings
week 3?? day 1
added water earlier today above bottum of basket... i know dumb... also watered 1 plant that was dry.....
Week 3??? day 2 4.30 am
leaves are droopy and purple stems.. temp 75 degrees added water earlier today above bottum of basket... i know dumb... also the plant i watered is the worste... not sure everything else because i actually didnt start the journal this day is just the beggining of my problems.. day 3 is the day i started my journal
week 3 day 5. 12.01 pm
leaves on most plants ok except the one i watered... ph a little high added mad farmer get down ph down.. using chimicles it was yellow which is..6.0
week 3 day 5 4am
leaves on most plants droopy again!!! and stems purple!!!
sorry no digi.. ill try and invest in 1 asap
1. Are you growing from seed or clones?seeds and 2 clones.. clones dont seem to be effected as bad also another clue.. there roots arent in the water yet the rest are...
2. How old are your plants? 3weeks from seeds.. the clones not sure.. around the same size..
3. How tall are your plants?4-9 inches averaging prob 7 inches.. bu ti did do some lst and bending super crop style
4. What type of hydro system are you using?dwc
5. What brand/type of nutrients are you using?pure blend pro
6. What is the Ph of your nutrient solution?6.0
7. What is the PPM/EC of your tap water?n/a
8. What is the PPM/EC of your nutrient solution?pretty sure it was between 0-100 the dipstick said ..
9. What is the temperature of your nutrient solution?64-68
10. Does your PPM/EC show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check?n/a.. dont check stays inbetween 0-100 on dipstick
11. Does your pH show a rise or fall when you do your daily check?rises daily
12. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything?i did last night with epson salt plants looked a little better in the mourning but they did the last time and i didnt spray them...
13. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? (HPS, MH, fluorescent, halogen, incandescent "plant lights"),mh and 7 cfls 3 cools 26watts 4 warms 23watts
14. How close are your lights to the plants? 22 inches and the florcents like 2-5 inches
15. What size is your grow space in square feet?around 25 sq feet a open closet mainly
16. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space? 74-76 light on.. 67-71 light on
17. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space?none
18. How much experience do you have growing?3rd grow.. 1 cfl grow that got me a little bit of bud.. not allot.. and 1 1000 watt grow that burned up the plants and i had to leave state.. so that didn't go well but i read allot


Active Member
roots recently hit the water id say a week week and a half exploding in there growing fast lowered the light prob 4 days now but keeping a close eye on the temp its a little warm 76 is as high as i let it get and that is measuring in the light on the lid of the dwc at the bottom of the plants. ph level is good i added some water because 1 of the plants was dry out the water level was over the baskets a little i took it back out problem is my 4 plants on the edge sit a little higher the the ones in the center using a Rubbermaid tub 1 is 35 the other is prob 25-30 gals and ive got 3 pumps 6 stone 3 on each o yeah i ran a fish filtration system threw it the other day to get the cat hair that gets in there out water was changed 4 days ago not using a res any ideas?? sorry no digi my x broke the damn thing on someones head crazy bitch

if your leafs are harsh drooping then its prolly a problem with the humidity being to low. in veg plants need a relative humidity of 60%. what are u sitting at?


if your leafs are harsh drooping then its prolly a problem with the humidity being to low. in veg plants need a relative humidity of 60%. what are u sitting at?
i don't think so i was told keep it below 50 percent for root rot.. but it was at 44-48 when i had a the thermostat that gave off humidity level now i have a indoor outdoor doesn't tell me but it never went lower than 40 percent but tonight i did run the ac all night and Ive had to run it more lately because of the light being closer.. I'm going to rise the light i took out the extra water i put in and hopefully i wont have to run my ac to much do i need to invest in a thermometer for my res and do i have enough air stones??? is it ok if there's a single brown spot or 2 on the roots??? usually wipes right off.. .not sure.. could be cat hair.. o yeah and the stems that the leaves are drooping the most are purple could be the thermometer in the wrong place reading warm temp and the ac running all night actually froze them temporarily especially with the water to high or cold it be the res is low temp because im on ground level and the concrete under the carpet right on the res is cold??? i think its due to cold looking at the stems now but the odd thing is the temperature has been fine.. maybe i should get a res thermometer? whats the cheapest i can get away for a thermometer for my res?and do you guys think its due to cold?


i think i answered my own question i lowered the water level and they seem to be recovering i also raised the light my ac was having to run to much anyways and i got floros on it as well maybe to much light at once i did a little of everything just incase but as soon as i posted this at 4 am.. i took out water its now 3.23 pm they've done there dark cycle and now are back to day and most of the leaves sprung back up.. so lets see what happends should be good now tho...


still drooping on 1 of them.. the 1 i added water to.. ima set it out of the hydro system let it dry out good idea or ????


its been 2 days now and there drooping again!!! fan was off them the temp only read 76 but that is high because its at the botttum... maybe the thermometer is in the wrong place and giving me bad reads because its 3.30 am and its col dhere and last time when i first noticed it was 4.30 am.. whats up help guys