Droopy Leaves after watering

Sometimes after i water my 2-3wk old plants the tips of the leaves will droop. But it does always happen. Any thought on this?

My setup is in a secrete jardin dr60 tint. 4 100watt eq CFL bulbs
both plants are in large pots. 18-6 light cycle.


Well-Known Member
the sometimes that they droop are the times you are doing something right, now ya just gotta figure out what that is?
I water when the plant needs water. Like when the soil turns light brown and is dry, or when the wieght of the pot is light. Between those two i then decide if she needs water


Well-Known Member
with my make it rain technique the first warning I give folks is that if done properly the leaves will droop (why I said what I said earlier) now what makes this happen (better/faster) is ph'ing the water down to 5.6 ~ 5.8 (ph of rain) and having water that is colder than room temp and then watering for LOTS of runoff

With proper watering FREQUENCY any one or combination of the things I just told you can make the leaves droop, with a properly dialed in growspace this droopage should not last longer than an hour, properly applied the technique causes hyper growth


Misguided Angel
Happens lots to me after watering. Within half an hour they perk up and are reaching toward the lights. Listen to Riddleme, he knows hit shit.
wow thanks for the info. its funny but i almost follow that same recipe. i have been using bottled water and the ph is about 5.8. the water is at room temp but i keep my house pretty cool, so its prob just a bit cooler than "room temp". i also have no fear of over watering cause i water til i see run off. But overall, my plants do perk up after an hour or so. Just wanted to find out why they were doing the whole droop thing. Riddleme i appreciate your input and i will take a puff for you when they are done.