Droopy leaves at 2 weeks


Active Member
Hi folks,

Wonder if you can take a look at this picture and tell me what's likely to be wrong. This one is 14 days since planting. She seemed happy enough, then this morning I check in and find her drooping like this. Fairly sure I'm not over-watering - been careful of that. She's under a Spiderfarm 1000 LED and was about 50cm away from the light, running at 80%. I thought maybe heat stress, so moved the lights up to about 70cm and turned to 60%. She's in a started 10cm pot for the moment and the soil is drying out as I'd expect.

Can anyone tell me what the most likely cause is?


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Hi folks,

Wonder if you can take a look at this picture and tell me what's likely to be wrong. This one is 14 days since planting. She seemed happy enough, then this morning I check in and find her drooping like this. Fairly sure I'm not over-watering - been careful of that. She's under a Spiderfarm 1000 LED and was about 50cm away from the light, running at 80%. I thought maybe heat stress, so moved the lights up to about 70cm and turned to 60%. She's in a started 10cm pot for the moment and the soil is drying out as I'd expect.

Can anyone tell me what the most likely cause is?
Don’t water for a few days.
See, this photo was day 4 since watering and she was super droopy already. I did water today but only cos soil was completely dry and she was drooping so I assumed she was thirsty following a massive growth spurt. 8 extra leaves in the last few days.
See, this photo was day 4 since watering and she was super droopy already. I did water today but only cos soil was completely dry and she was drooping so I assumed she was thirsty following a massive growth spurt. 8 extra leaves in the last few days.
Yeah just make sure the soil is dry before watering
Since yesterday the dropping has stopped, but I noticed that the two lowest leaves are more yellow than the rest. From forum searches, this looks to be Nitrogen deficiency or something - but if I can't water her, how can I fix that? Is it even a nitrogen deficiency? The attached photo doesn't show the yellowing very well but it's the two very bottom leaves (including the closest crooked leaf, which has been crooked since it sprouted!)

Am I on the right track? Just leave her for the time being?


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Yeah its 70 / 30 coco and perlite.
If it was growing happy under the light before now the it can only be nutrient, if you're being "careful" not to overwater I'd expect salt build up, dispence with the notion of overwatering with coco and perlite it can't happen it applies to sprouted seedlings even then there hard to fk up even in 100% coco.
For seedlings I soak to run off about 1.5" around the stem then let the dry stuff I've not fed absorb any excess from the centre, however imo that plant is past the pampering stage.
Rinse enough through the centre 2" circle to get enough to measure the run off that'll tell you your problem.
Yeah its 70 / 30 coco and perlite.
I thought so.

Ignore all the advice you've been given except Star Dog.......Raspberrykiwi was giving you soil advice.

You should never, ever let coco dry out........that's your problem.
You should be feeding every day to substantial run off with a pH around 6.0.
Never use plain water.

The best place to learn the correct way to grow in coco.......www.cocoforcannabis.com.

These are 2 week old seedlings in coco that was fed every day for a comparison.
14 days.JPG
Good luck.
Thanks for the replies! What I was doing over the last week was waiting till the top soil/coco had only just dried (NOT to an inch deep) and then watering about 200ml with no run-off. However I will now water daily with run-off.

Does feeding continue like this through the life of the plant? Daily feeding only adjusting nutes? Also, i'm feeding her bio-grow just now (very small amounts). Should I also add cal-mag or is it too early for that?

Really appreciate the feedback guys, this is a fantastic learning curve that you're helping me along!
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Does feeding continue like this through the life of the plant? Daily feeding only adjusting nutes? Also, i'm feeding her bio-grow just now (very small amounts). Should I also add cal-mag or is it too early for that?
I feed once a day in veg and twice a day in flower.
You may not need calmag if you use tap water.......I never have to use it.
Appreciate it fella. Every time I get issues with my plant, my heart stops for a bit. Glad there are folk out there who can help.
I can't really add to @MickFoster post, he's said all I could add including me never using/requiring cal-mag.

Calmag seems to be a default purchase, I'm living with the famously soft water of Scotland and still don't require it?
