Droopy leaves what do I do


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks dry and your soil texture looks like straight peat. Mix in other soil amendments.
Your soil looks dry and your soil texture looks like straight peat. Mix in other soil amendments.
It’s just some mg seed starter i know it’s not the best but it’s all I had in the moment. I have some FFOF should I put in there I’ve Heard that it’s kinda hot for seedlings


Well-Known Member
how much light are they getting. what is the temp they are in currently and what is the humidity?

do you know the PH of the medium, what PH do you water at and how strong are the nutes?


Well-Known Member
If you are going to transplant, you need to soak the soil anyways to make the transplant easier.

I'd say do that and you are good to go. The plant looks fine otherwise.
how much light are they getting. what is the temp they are in currently and what is the humidity?

do you know the PH of the medium, what PH do you water at and how strong are the nutes?
There under a hlg 300 turned to about 75% power the temp is running about 77 to 80 with about 40% humidity and no I don’t know the ph of the MG soil starter off hand and I haven’t feed any Nutes yet it’s only been about a 2 weeks since I popped them


Well-Known Member
Did you try running a knife or something around the edges? Loosen it up on the edges, squeeze the sides of the pot and go for it. If the medium is moist, it should come out,


Well-Known Member
I think your PH is too low for those temps.

I am not sure what transplanting is going to solve. That thing looks no more than a week or two old, so its not like it is root bound.