Droopy Leaves :(


Well-Known Member
So I'm a first time grower with experience helping others, but i've never had to care for seedlings. My seedlings are just finishing up week 1 and are not showing the progress I would have liked. The leaves are drooping and they don't seem to be shooting up as fast as they were in the first couple days growth. I think I may be over-watering the little guys. I use a spray bottle and spray until the soil looks moist. I do this twice a day once in the morning and once at night. The soil always appears dry when I water them but I know over-watering is a common problem. Advice please, I don't want to lose em!!!


Well-Known Member
Pictures would help but it sounds like underwatering to me. You're better of soaking all the soil and waiting til it feels dry on top.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately i am without a digital camera. I have bad news as well, woke up this morning and its even worse!!! I was watering them with half strength miracle grow(all i can afford right now) maybe thats the problem. I think i'm going to revert back to pure water as i believe the potting soil came with some nutes already in it, maybe nute lock? But droopy is the perfect word to describe it, there is only one leaf set on each plant but they are almost touching the stem. FUCK

I was in fact able to add a photo i took with my phone, please help they look like they're dying!


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Well-Known Member
unfortunately i am without a digital camera. I have bad news as well, woke up this morning and its even worse!!! I was watering them with half strength miracle grow(all i can afford right now) maybe thats the problem. I think i'm going to revert back to pure water as i believe the potting soil came with some nutes already in it, maybe nute lock? But droopy is the perfect word to describe it, there is only one leaf set on each plant but they are almost touching the stem. FUCK

I was in fact able to add a photo i took with my phone, please help they look like they're dying!
You need to water all the soil in the pot. By misting the top of the soil you encourage root growth towards the surface. Light + roots = death. water thoroughly and put a little bit of dry soil on top and lightly pack it down. If you do it in time you should be able to save it.

Always encourage root growth down. Only water when the soil is almost dry all the way through and you will have a nice healthy root ball.


Well-Known Member
dude if you are just at a week old it is too early to give nutes regardless of the brand...... flush the soil with ph'd water wait until it is dry and then water again no nutes before 2 weeks friend good luck......


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help, friends. I watered them thoroughly with fresh clean spring water, without the spray bottle or nutes, and added the extra dry soil to the top as well. I really hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
I always keep my seedlings in a tray that I fill with water to about 1/4"-1/2". I don't start nutrients until they're at least 3 weeks old. I let them grow in their seedling cups until they're about falling over in the cups (I use the translucent plastic cups so I can see when the roots have hit bottom more easily, plus they're cheap and what I had on hand). Then, when starting nutrients, start very diluted.

I do not use this tray technique on older plants, that is more water than they can stand. Fortunately, underwatering is far more recoverable and corrected than overwatering.


Well-Known Member
This is all very useful information, just wondering how long it would take the little ones to perk back up if not getting water low enough was the problem? Also, it doesn't seem like anyone is considering over-watering to be the problem, am I to rule this out as a possibility?


Well-Known Member
This is all very useful information, just wondering how long it would take the little ones to perk back up if not getting water low enough was the problem? Also, it doesn't seem like anyone is considering over-watering to be the problem, am I to rule this out as a possibility?
cant rule anything out yet, there seem to have been a few possible causes, but simple rule of themb when in doubt flush it out....imho... now just chill and give it a few days:joint:


Well-Known Member
Judging by how dry your soil looks, and how much water they take/need as seedlings, yes, I would rule overwatering out. This is how I keep mine until they're ready for transplant (that's today!). (I think I have some other pix in my gallery so you can see what I'm talking about.)


Well-Known Member
Interesting with the tray, I've never seen something like that utilized in bio grows... anyway you're right, your plants soil looks plenty moist, and your plants plenty healthy, maybe ill switch to this because my seedlings share a tray as well. You keep water at 1/4 to 1/2 inch all the time? Also, the main stem on one of the seedlings has a purplish reddish hue, is this an indicator of anything?
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Well-Known Member
That has to be the camera, because all seedlings are very green, including stalks. However, I saw that come and go as they were going through their initial stages with the first two batches. All greened up just fine and stayed green. Til I killed 'em with love. :roll:

The stem coloration is important as they age, for sure, but not when they're only a few weeks old yet.


Well-Known Member
oh, I was reffering to my seedling when talking about the reddish purpleish hue, but useful info none the less.


Well-Known Member
just to follow up, i would like to thank all of you for your advice, my babies are saved!!! I could not have saved them without the expert advice of veteran growers. I hope all of you will be able to help me with future problems, and maybe some day ill be knowledgeable enough on the subject to help others as well as you've all helped me. PEACE BROTHERS AND SISTERS :)


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you got it sorted, but to clarify, I am NOT a veteran grower of ganja. I've grown other things.