Droopy or healthy


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first grow so I might be just a concerned parent. Plus I like to show her off. But my plant is on day 9. Growth is on pace it appears for a bag seed. But in the last two days it has started sprouting growth from everywhere. The plant seems perfectly healthy, good color, thickening stock. It just appears the leaves are so big they are getting droopy instead of perky! Is this normal....I am not to concerned just wanting some opinions...thanx



Well-Known Member
Well since it seems like every noobs mistake, I have unwillingly forced myself to water every other day about 150ml.....I haven't seen any signs to water more but I really want to....lol. I Also picked up some Flora Nova that I REALLY REALLY want to give her but since I used miracle grow I have been told not to for 3 weeks or so....


Well-Known Member
well sounds like your watering good, but i'd wait to unleash ur nova until you see some branching at least


Well-Known Member
Guano Is What She Wants She Just Im'd Me Just Now....looks Good Tho...water When The First Inch Of Soil Is Dried...stick Ure Finger In The Dirt And Itll Tell U


Well-Known Member
Yea I have been doing that. I think I will be ok, it just seems like all the plants I see in the time frame are growing up and perky and mine are growing wide and more compact....I do have 800watts of lights on two little girls though...lol