Droopy plants! Some happy some sad 1 month veg


New Member
Been having an issue with droopy leaves for about 3 weeks now , it’s not on all my plants just certain ones specifically my train wreck and it’s very on and off yet they are on same watering and feeding schedule.This is my first indoor grow second general grow, I water by weight of soil ,I even have a 3.5 gallon bucket that stays dry so I can compare , after adjusting my watering I started to see change on all my plants expect for my train wreck she never seems to fully perk up.
My grow set up:
1,000 watt mh large og air cooled hood
5x5 tent 3.5 gallon pots 20/4 temps 68-86
fox farm Ocean forest soil
Tap water 6.5 ph 380 Ppm
Compost tea / fish em,liquid kelp ,worm casting , molasses , bu blend compost brew for 36h only feed twice so far.
The pictures attached are taken 01/02/2020 they were fees and watered yesterday I also trimmed large fan leaves from all plants
Any advice is appreciated I just wanna figure out what my underlying issue I feel like it stunting my growth as well I put them under 1,000 watt on December 1st . In the picture you will notice some healthy one and some droopy ones this is my main concern

Train wreck
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For some reason, it won’t let me view your attachments. Some sort of security setting? I do not have permission to view that page. Can you attach them as thumbnails?
For some reason, it won’t let me view your attachments. Some sort of security setting? I do not have permission to view that page. Can you attach them as thumbnails?
Give it a shot now , if you need any other pictures I have plenty just about every other day lol
I was going every 2 days , now every night, They seem to get them happy after the watering but it dose not last long they’ll be droopy in the morning, I think the tea I have them may have burnt them just a bit noticed some yellow tips with a healthy leaf,
Dirt is nice a moist right now train wreck is dropping again and younger plant is very perky and green , I also watered them in distilled water.

Watering every night or every other day in soil is very dangerous. Plants in soil need a good wet AND dry cycle. Normally every 3-4 days is about the time frame for watering. If you watered last night, Id wait a couple days before watering. Also, it is common for a plant to droop a little after a watering. Hope this helps.
In the pics they look dry on top... How is your drainage situation in those buckets? Holes in bottom with stones? I had plants that resembled those, and once i switched to 5 gallon cloth pots sitting on kitchen drying racks placed over a drip tray problem solved.
Overwatering. You should only have to water every 3 days on average. Its OK in soil to water less. Let that shit dry out. You will feel the weight difference when they are dry. Go three days before watering and when you water make sure your giving them enough to run off about 20%
I let the plant dry out 2 days and in the morning they were all wilted , that’s what I stared watering more frequently, gonna let them dry out again I’ll record the date and time and see if I can get this watering down, never had these issues outdoors with the same pots , I will also take some pictures at the stages of watering
Overwatering. You should only have to water every 3 days on average. Its OK in soil to water less. Let that shit dry out. You will feel the weight difference when they are dry. Go three days before watering and when you water make sure your giving them enough to run off about 20%
I currently have no trays under them , are you saying let them sit if a bit of run off?
I've always watered on Tuesday morning and feed Saturday morning. That's it. Good luck. Plants are very forgiving. I'm sure you'll get her going again.
How many gallons are your pots? , just out curiosity I want to change my gallon size next grow I got clones coming soon and trying to build a better living soil
In the pics they look dry on top... How is your drainage situation in those buckets? Holes in bottom with stones? I had plants that resembled those, and once i switched to 5 gallon cloth pots sitting on kitchen drying racks placed over a drip tray problem solved.
I did not add stones on the bottom of pot I also don’t have a tray under them , I repotted the train wreck and added some more perlite, my dirt does get very dry on the tops , not sure if it’s from my large 1,000 watt hood
Yes I use a 3 or 5 gallon once they get big enough. Always use a riser and some type of tray. I pick up 13" risers from amazon and put them in a foil turkey tray to catch run off.
The only time I don't follow the water once and feed once a week is when they're seedlings. At ground break, I water using about 2 shot glasses or 60 ml of water every other day. In a Solo cup I water at the stem only. When I transplant to the 3 gallon pots, I then start the twice a week schedule. I then start from the outside working my way to stem. This in my theory allows the roots to reach for water more evenly to create a nice even root ball.