droopy plants


hello everyone I usually wate my plants evey 2 days because of heat I have 6 plants in 10 gallons but my smallest one the 3 and half foot jedi kush plant has been drooping all this mourning after I watered it the rest are all trying strive for the sun expect this one which I don't undestand I know fo sue I aint over watering, but could be cause I topped it yester day?
Are you feeding the jedi kush the same ammount of water as the taller ones? If you are then I think your overwatering it. Smaller plants take in less water, so they require less water. Try not watering it until the top half inch layer is completely dry.


Well-Known Member
Yes topping can cause a slight droop for a day or 2 but then it should rebound~how would you feel if some one cut your head off. It sound like your watering a lot too. Less watering is best!