Will do bro. I've been wanting to get started on my new build soon but something always comes up. I've been super busy this summer and haven't much time to do much of anything. I got most of my materials bought but I just got to find the time to get started. It'll be very soon though, within a week.
Hey Drop, which procedure do you use to germinate seeds? That part of the grow I always have bad luck with. I take a gallon of distilled water, drop the PH to 5.5-6.0.... then I attempt to place the feminized seeds point down in rockwool about 1/8th of an inch, place the rockwool in a small aluminum pan w/clear plastic lid over top and cover w/a dark cloth.. I also place a heating pad under the pan set for low heat.... 1st time I did that I was fairly successful... had about a 80% outcome, however on my 2nd grow w/same procedure I got 5 seedlings out of 27 seeds, which one of them came up threw the rockwool root first, tried to turn it around but it died....
I have researched the wet paper towel procedure, also placing them in water until the root sprouts... can't remember if the seed floats or sinks determines if the seed is any good... also read if you place your seeds in the frigerator for a few days b4 the germination helps, planning on doing that, also scuffing the seeds to thin out the shell wall also helps.... just don't wanna shell out $250-$300 bucks for seeds and end up with same outcome as my last time....
I too am still looking for 8-10 inch diameter PVC tubing, need to go to a plumbing supplier here in the city... my plan is to build a vertical grow set-up to place my clones in, w/the tubes I am going to have the micro sprayers fed from the top of the tubing.... but that set-up for the vertical tubes won't take place until I can take cuttings from the mommas, once the cuttings root, I'll flower out the mommas, harvest them and perhaps put them into a regrow. I may even place the veritcal grow into a regrow as well... it really depends on what strains I want to continue to grow.... I really would like to grow a new strain or two on each grow... have to see if I can afford to do it... quality seeds are going at $14-$25/seed.... Blue Widow is $15 bucks/seed, Royal Haze is at $19 bucks/seed... due to my luck on germination, I plan to get 4-5 seeds/strain so it adds up real quick....
with that said, I guess I better get ready to cut my lawn b4 it gets hot again today... we are suppose to get a break in the weather this week, the other day in got to 111 degrees, not only is it hot, but now we are in a drout.... but I am diggin it when I'm out on my fatboy.... take care, good luck on the new grow start-up, later bro