Droplets on leaves need help identifieng aphids ? Picssss

Ive been noticing here and there not often tho that a fan leaf or two once in a while has some sort of ;iquid on them i looked around for bugs couldnt find any plants are healthy and it doesnt seem to be sticky just more like a water based liquid i am in 3 and a half weeks in to flower could this just be transpire or could it be the infamous honey dew from aphids please help guys


Well-Known Member
Not honeydew from aphids. Honeydew is the sticky stuff you get on a car windshield if you park under a tree with aphids. i.e. it's tiny specks of aphid poop, not big drops.

I've had a couple spots like that myself recently, kind of oily and sticky. Never figured out what it was but it might have beep sap leaking out where I supercropped a tip.


Well-Known Member
When leaves touch one will often put out moisture, kind of like the leaf is sweating.
If you had aphids you would see little tiny bugs crawling around the ground and some flying gnat looking things.


Well-Known Member
When leaves touch one will often put out moisture, kind of like the leaf is sweating.
That makes total sense in my case. Both times I noticed it were a few hours after I had sprayed down the plants. I thought the leaves were stuck together from this unknown moisture, but in fact the moisture was there because the leaves had become adhered during spraying.


Well-Known Member
Google micro-climates from leaves touching.

Definitely humidity/temp related.

Are you getting big swings in day and night temp differences? This can cause a sharp rise in RH.

Are your plants packed tightly together with alot of touching leaves? This can cause micro-climates to form under and around touching leaves.

Answer to all of the above is try to get less of a difference between day/night temps, increase plant spacing if possible or add more Osc fans, lower your RH.

yea temp when lights are on is around 78 rh is around 45 not sure what it is when lights are off im assuming it drops to around room temp as i have a intake exhast going 24 7 with room temps at around 70 i just added aanothe oscilating fan and plants are touching a bit could prob space them a little more thanks for the intelligant response