Dropped 100$ in doge

Been flipping ETC 3x a day at least. Waiting out a 139 now. Lit. $doge to moon

Wtf is XRP is that the token shit?
Yeah XRP is the future. Should be worth $600 by 2025. Its gunna be a credit card, banks are gonna use it. A big black card with a white X. Im investing now why its $2. Simpsons predicted this crypto years before it was out.
Doge is my winner for sure but I made a bit off etc all week. I just put all that back into cosmos and that had a good jump.

I'm in on Doge, cosmos, decentraland, and bitcoin but not much. I more hold bitcoin because its like the Berkshire Hathaway of coins
wow, thats crazy. WSB attracts a ton of noobs that have a poor understanding of how the stock market works. Then they pump up companies with lousy fundamentals and they buy at all time highs thinking they will make fortunes but become bagholders instead. It's honestly sad when you read comments of all the people that think AMC stock could hit $100k a share.
I always read the high ceilings as people not wanting to reveal their actual exit strategy. So they are not accused of pump and dumps or let people know their price so they sell right below them. Full disclosure I hold GME and AMC. Also WSB warned people about this scam on a pinned post at the top of the Reddit. If the idiots who got scammed were actually reading WSB they wouldn’t have gotten scammed. Doge to the moon
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I always read the high ceilings as people not wanting to reveal their actual exit strategy. So they are not accused of pump and dumps or let people know their price so they sell right below them. Full disclosure I hold GME and AMC. Also WSB warned people about this scam on a pinned post at the top of the Reddit. If the idiots who got scammed were actually reading WSB they wouldn’t have gotten scammed. Doge to the moon
WSB is a loss porn subreddit. It's a joke that got serious and now it's going back to its roots from gme/amc bag holders. Basically if you learn about a stock from there it's already too late
WSB is a loss porn subreddit. It's a joke that got serious and now it's going back to its roots from gme/amc bag holders. Basically if you learn about a stock from there it's already too late
All those newbs jumped from robinhood over to TDAmeritrade and were so lost they collapsed our support system...welcome to the big leagues kids...no safety nets here
All those newbs jumped from robinhood over to TDAmeritrade and were so lost they collapsed our support system...welcome to the big leagues kids...no safety nets here
im keeping my robinhood just for doge. not messing with my average. if they shut down the selling or buying ah well.. ill be over here holding
Doge is my winner for sure but I made a bit off etc all week. I just put all that back into cosmos and that had a good jump.

I'm in on Doge, cosmos, decentraland, and bitcoin but not much. I more hold bitcoin because its like the Berkshire Hathaway of coins
Bitcoins like digital gold. Its here to stay and will always have value. Ethereum is silver
Im fighting the urge to lol with all my strength...that's not true, most of us saw this coming...massive profit taking was inevitable. Im genuinely happy for those of you that got in early in the year but this is just the most delicious cup of tears....for weeks ive had to endure kids incessantly drone on about this Ty beannie baby Pokemon card