dropped light on plant


alright so i dropped a light on my feminized chocolope...

she starting producing buds today.

i have her so her one main cola splits into 2 main colas.

now the light fell right down the center of the center of the plant and destroyed one of her colas leaving it hanging by the skin of the stalk.....I instantly taped it up with masking tape.

my question is:

will the plant heal itself in the flowering stage?

can the plant become hermaphrodic?

also a cfl broke in the process.....releasing the mercury vapor.

fuck fuck fuck.

what should i do.....i have done all i can.

i also just fed her her nutrient mix and all of this happen about 1 hour before the light cycle is triggered off.

any experience? help?

this has never happened and i hope i don't lose her second cola.


Well-Known Member
next time you have a bad break in stem, wrap it with paper towel first, then tape it. the tape is a bitch to get off sometimes and i'm sure the plant doesnt like it too much either. clean mercury up with a damp towel, dont sweep it or vaccuum, as you will just inhale more and put more particles into the air for everyone in the home..... good luck. how'd the light break by the way?


Ohhh shit thats bad :( Your plant should recover the are strong plants :D Hope all goes well post pics if you can.


Ohhh shit thats bad :( Your plant should recover the are strong plants :D Hope all goes well post pics if you can.
i was readjusting the light when i dropped it.

so hopefully it will heal itself in time.....i have about a week and a half then everything is ready for harvest.....i will post photos of my plants tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
make sure you clean up ALL the mercury... you don't want to have something that can prove toxic to you or any family/housemates you might have.... try to use as much protection in the form of gloves, masks, anything...


Active Member
somehow i manage to burn all my plants they endup fine.. about the mercury vapor i dont know lol


somehow i manage to burn all my plants they endup fine.. about the mercury vapor i dont know lol

the ventilation in my room is fairly strong so hopefully all the vapors were sucked out........mercury is the worst toxin to enter the body.....passes right through the blood brain barrier and into the brain.

hopefully there is no serious effect.....the last thing i want is my weed to cause brain damage.


Active Member
I was lifting my plant to adjust the grow tray one time and lifted the plant right into the light. It bent the top over. I just let it hang there hoping it would fix itself. Never was quite straight again but i think it help the budding process in the long run. It ended up being a monster cola.


I was lifting my plant to Never was quite straight again but i think it help the budding process in the long run. It ended up being a monster cola.

the first photo is the one cola that is split off nad taped back together and using shoelace to hold it up for now.

it said chocolope was a heavy eater so i pushed her in feeding.....not entirely true........only heavy eater during vegetative.....flowering stage resulted in minor claw symptoms even after 2 vegetative flushes.

other photos are my other plants.....i have 4 other plants besides the chocolope.

the one in the photo is 40 inches tall. with a 4 week veg phase all organic, beneficial bacteria, bogttled water diet.

last photo are the newly forming buds.

