Dropping leaves

Don’t think it’s overwatering but could be wrong. Seems to be mostly in the new growth but tell me what you think, water every couple days but might not water enough only about a litre or less with a pressure sprayer. I’m guessing that’s not enough?


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It looks a little wet, but you may have just watered. I've learned not to use a two day or three day schedule - per se. let the soil get dry. As soon as you water the plant pick it up and feel it's weight. Remember this weight. Then only water when the soil starts to look and feel dry. Pick it up again and compare to when it was wet. Depending on your setup heat/humidity will figure in a lot. It's better to under water your babies a little ( not too much ) than to over water. Let it dry out a little. Your soil looks very wet but you may have just watered. More pearlite would help with drainage and make estimating moisture way easier. As for the dropping of leaves it would depend. Other than a little droop from what looks like a little too much love she looks good! I use 1 cup pearlite to four cups of soil. About 25 - 30 %.
Don’t think it’s overwatering but could be wrong. Seems to be mostly in the new growth but tell me what you think, water every couple days but might not water enough only about a litre or less with a pressure sprayer. I’m guessing that’s not enough?
She is overwatered. You are watering too often. Let it dry out in between waterings. Lift the bucket if it is even a little bit heavy don't water it wait till that bucket is light