droppy leaves Need help!!


Active Member
so i woke up this morning and my plant looks happy as can be since then its been getting more and more droppy the soil was fairly dry but still some moisture in there but i ended up giving it some water no run off and then i checked it about 3hr later and it is droppy as can be i dont know what it could be it is on day 12 of veg no nutes fed yet as i am using fertilized soil.
im under a 600w and there has been no change since day 1.
any suggestions?



Active Member
Looks over watered. Let it dry out a good amount before watering again. When the plant is under watered the stems will be limp too and the leaves point almost straight down. When the plant is over watered the leaves, mostly the new growth, will sort of bend downward and the areas between the veins will be thick and plump, as we see in your picture. A plant that young, in that big of pot, can go around 6 days between watering without going thirsty IMO. You may get spots on the lower leaves from them hanging around in the mud so don't freak if you see that. Hope I helped.


Active Member
its just that it was droopy even before i watered it i stuck my finger down in the soil and no soil stuck to my finger and felt quite dry so i panic and watered it. but i will next time let it dry otu even more. could it possibly be anything else my temps are at 80. and yea my plant is super short tight nodes i was trying to get it to stretch a little but it wont lol.


Active Member
A couple other problems could cause this look but its too young to be those IMO. I really think its just over watered. I use the weight of the pot rather than the finger rule. Could be poor drainage tho but again that'd just be too much water in the soil too. 80 is great as long as its the temp high. Even a bit over isn't bad enough to cause any trouble. Watering less will probably make it stretch a bit more too. Over watering usually creates small compact plants with slow growth unless over watered to the extreme, then you may see stretching.


Well-Known Member
i stuck my finger down in the soil
stuck to my finger
Dont stick your finger or and other pointed objects into the medium. To judge wait till pot is much lighter to lift than when just watered, your overwatering and raise the light till it bounces back. Also next time use at least 30% perlite and this wont happen.