Drug Class....

Oh man he couldn't bother me lmao, Former Marine here two tours in Iraq. He won't bother me but... you see I'm kinda a Dick and I love seeing "authority" getting shut down by ppl that know their shit.
The court ordered thing I'm doing is for first time offenders..... I'm in my mid 30's and everyone else is 17-20 so he's used to rebutting ppl in that age group that don't know what there talking about or are a little too afraid to speak up.
60hMax is that you?

You are hurting your future. LEO plays the long game. You aren't winning. They will simply follow up on you later! Why would you paint a target on your back by choice? You get caught by the establishment you lie low and play their game. get out and go your own way. That is how people do not become cannon fodder. Hope you grow through this.
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I had to go to rehab for weed when I was younger.. court ordered. It was a fucking joke. Everyone always telling their crazy stories on how they lost everything... And then they ask me what I've lost in my life do you drugs..
"Uhhh I've lost my keys once or twice"
^^^^^^^^ and THAT is the way you do it! You never tweak their nose or they come at you. You have to play the subtle game.
60hMax is that you?

You are hurting your future. LEO plays the long game. You aren't winning. They will simply follow up on you later! Why would you paint a target on your back by choice? You get caught by the establishment you lie low and play their game. get out and go your own way. That is how people do not become cannon fodder. How you grow through this.
Fake it to make it lol
60hMax is that you?

You are hurting your future. LEO plays the long game. You aren't winning. They will simply follow up on you later! Why would you paint a target on your back by choice? You get caught by the establishment you lie low and play their game. get out and go your own way. That is how people do not become cannon fodder. Hope you grow through this.

Nah man I'm not arguing or anything, literally we just have discussions. We laugh and talk about it. Im not forceful at all with my info and neither does he. But I think he genuinely wants to converse with me... He knows I'm not trying to talk shit...... BUT
after this "assignment" is done I do plan on just keeping my mouth shut and hanging out. And after the last couple of days I'll tell him I appreciate the info and how well he's doing. Just to butter him up lmao.

And no I don't know who 60hMax is sorry bro.
Uh yeah ok, your game your consequences, bro dude, party on.

Yeah listen it can be done tactful and without malice..... meaning I can do it in a manner that is joking around and light hearted.
I'm not trying to do anything there.... He could tell that I had a lot of knowledge on the subject because he said, "I can tell you have a lot of knowledge on the subject." And " I'd love to hear what you have to say about it on many levels."
I'm not trying to show him up, just literally doing what he asked. He tried to say that it shouldn't be legal because of the rise in crashed and DUI's in legal states. I told him that this wasn't true and in fact studies show the opposite. He challenged me to find those studies (which I pretty much have). And asked the class to bring in other facts, then explained that if I wanted to bring in more then I could.

You acting like I'm going to bring a soapbox in with me to stand on while screaming at him with my facts lmao....Now thats a funny ass visual though.

Besides the traffic related facts I'll hand pick a couple more. All will be said while sitting in a chair relaxed.

As far as my use of "bro" and "dude"... for me this is a laid back environment so I let my vocabulary and slang slip a bit. But trust me I can be as articulate as anyone else. So, if you don't like my use of the slang then I do apologize but get the fuck over it.
Yeah listen it can be done tactful and without malice..... meaning I can do it in a manner that is joking around and light hearted.
I'm not trying to do anything there.... He could tell that I had a lot of knowledge on the subject because he said, "I can tell you have a lot of knowledge on the subject." And " I'd love to hear what you have to say about it on many levels."
I'm not trying to show him up, just literally doing what he asked. He tried to say that it shouldn't be legal because of the rise in crashed and DUI's in legal states. I told him that this wasn't true and in fact studies show the opposite. He challenged me to find those studies (which I pretty much have). And asked the class to bring in other facts, then explained that if I wanted to bring in more then I could.

You acting like I'm going to bring a soapbox in with me to stand on while screaming at him with my facts lmao....Now thats a funny ass visual though.

Besides the traffic related facts I'll hand pick a couple more. All will be said while sitting in a chair relaxed.

There is no way you can convince this government shill that the people writing his checks are wrong. Worse by attempting to do so you are giving them dangerous information to be used against you. You seem to naively believe you can change this government pawn's mind!

As far as my use of "bro" and "dude"... for me this is a laid back environment so I let my vocabulary and slang slip a bit. But trust me I can be as articulate as anyone else.So, if you don't like my use of the slang then I do apologize but get the fuck over it.
Non apology not accepted, if you knew us at all around here you would be aware I am neither a bro nor a dude. I'm a female and my name is Annie. Anyway I wish you well on your path, good luck and watch your six.
There is no way you can convince this government shill that the people writing his checks are wrong. Worse by attempting to do so you are giving them dangerous information to be used against you. You seem to naively believe you can change this government pawn's mind!

Non apology not accepted, if you knew us at all around here you would be aware I am neither a bro nor a dude. I'm a female and my name is Annie. Anyway I wish you well on your path, good luck and watch your six.

Don't know the guy or how he was hired but how do you know he is a shill?

Maybe he was just hired to work as a presenter on a contract to provide the service? He may not believe what they tell him to say, but he is following a script. If I were in that position I'd want to find ways to get other viewpoints into the air. I'd want to encourage someone who could express them without going over the line. That way I couldn't get dinged for going over a line yet the class could still hear about other positions.

But I'm sure I'd still be measured on presenting the slides and repeating the script. It would be a miserable job, but a paycheck might be important.....

Just sayin.
There is no way you can convince this government shill that the people writing his checks are wrong. Worse by attempting to do so you are giving them dangerous information to be used against you. You seem to naively believe you can change this government pawn's mind!

Non apology not accepted, if you knew us at all around here you would be aware I am neither a bro nor a dude. I'm a female and my name is Annie. Anyway I wish you well on your path, good luck and watch your six.

No way do I or have I ever thought I could change his mind lmao. I even told him that, I told him that I wouldn't try to show him up nor did I want to do so. Because his job is to try and get ppl off drugs no convince them they aren't as bad as the govt has been saying. I literally told him that, we laughed and he said if you don't push hard I won't either.... I never planned on it.

I'm glad you recognized a non apology because it wasn't one. Stop being up set if someone refers to you in the wrong gender slang, because Who The Hell Cares!? (Say it like Peter from Family Guy)

This post was meant to be light hearted what would you tell a judge or govt official if you could with no recourse, specifically speaking in the manner of facts not like fuck off.
Don't know the guy or how he was hired but how do you know he is a shill?

Maybe he was just hired to work as a presenter on a contract to provide the service? He may not believe what they tell him to say, but he is following a script. If I were in that position I'd want to find ways to get other viewpoints into the air. I'd want to encourage someone who could express them without going over the line. That way I couldn't get dinged for going over a line yet the class could still hear about other positions.

But I'm sure I'd still be measured on presenting the slides and repeating the script. It would be a miserable job, but a paycheck might be important.....

Just sayin.
I've read that some successful comedians got their start as traffic school presenters
Don't know the guy or how he was hired but how do you know he is a shill?

Maybe he was just hired to work as a presenter on a contract to provide the service? He may not believe what they tell him to say, but he is following a script. If I were in that position I'd want to find ways to get other viewpoints into the air. I'd want to encourage someone who could express them without going over the line. That way I couldn't get dinged for going over a line yet the class could still hear about other positions.

But I'm sure I'd still be measured on presenting the slides and repeating the script. It would be a miserable job, but a paycheck might be important.....

Just sayin.

Of course he could also be a religious fanatic who just wants you to be born again and is looking for an opening. ;) Or he wants a date. Anything is possible.
Don't know the guy or how he was hired but how do you know he is a shill?

Maybe he was just hired to work as a presenter on a contract to provide the service? He may not believe what they tell him to say, but he is following a script. If I were in that position I'd want to find ways to get other viewpoints into the air. I'd want to encourage someone who could express them without going over the line. That way I couldn't get dinged for going over a line yet the class could still hear about other positions.

But I'm sure I'd still be measured on presenting the slides and repeating the script. It would be a miserable job, but a paycheck might be important.....

Just sayin.
I do not know he is a shill. However the cost to someone's freedom and assets if he is can be prohibitively expensive to one's future. Is it really worth the risk to find out? Further more, since action would occur years in the future how could you ever know for sure.

While I agree he could be innocent is it really worth the risk of becoming a second class citizen of the prison economy. The stakes seem prohibitive to gamble a future life upon. Then again it is not my future.
I do not know he is a shill. However the cost to someone's freedom and assets if he is can be prohibitively expensive to one's future. Is it really worth the risk to find out? Further more, since action would occur years in the future how could you ever know for sure.

While I agree he could be innocent is it really worth the risk of becoming a second class citizen of the prison economy. The stakes seem prohibitive to gamble a future life upon. Then again it is not my future.

Fair enough. If he is a leo I would agree with you. If he is a washed out elementary school teacher working out his finances after a divorce, I'd be much less suspicious.

I'm still leaning towards he wants a date after class. Fits a pattern. ;)
Fair enough. If he is a leo I would agree with you. If he is a washed out elementary school teacher working out his finances after a divorce, I'd be much less suspicious.

I'm still leaning towards he wants a date after class. Fits a pattern. ;)
I agree LOL could be but wow if that date went wrong and he submitted your name owie zowie
Yeah the guy is a chill younger dude prob just out of college. no more than mid 20's. I actually think greg nr might be onto something maybe he is just trying to get someone else say the pro pot stuff.
He's definitely not LEO, its a class from a private organization that does court ordered stuff hell I had to pay a lot for it actually. Anyways I don't have a PO so theres no one for him to submit me to.
Don't know the guy or how he was hired but how do you know he is a shill?

Maybe he was just hired to work as a presenter on a contract to provide the service? He may not believe what they tell him to say, but he is following a script. If I were in that position I'd want to find ways to get other viewpoints into the air. I'd want to encourage someone who could express them without going over the line. That way I couldn't get dinged for going over a line yet the class could still hear about other positions.

But I'm sure I'd still be measured on presenting the slides and repeating the script. It would be a miserable job, but a paycheck might be important.....

Just sayin.

Your account is specific enough that it suggests that you have some experience on the inside of the organization, just sayin :joint::bigjoint: