Drug Dealers


Well-Known Member
why why why are they all such asses..?
i swear that they go out of their way to make their customers unhappy.
i just had a guy jerk me around for over two hours telling me that he was going to get it and blah blah blah.
i went over to fucking rage him out, and he was still at his house.
never lifted a finger to do what he told me he was doing all along.

i just feel cheated.
i will literally drive hours for free to deliver medicine to patients in need.
i go out of my way to make sure that people are being taken care of and in return i get nothing.


Well-Known Member
why why why are they all such asses..?
i swear that they go out of their way to make their customers unhappy.
i just had a guy jerk me around for over two hours telling me that he was going to get it and blah blah blah.
i went over to fucking rage him out, and he was still at his house.
never lifted a finger to do what he told me he was doing all along.

i just feel cheated.
i will literally drive hours for free to deliver medicine to patients in need.
i go out of my way to make sure that people are being taken care of and in return i get nothing.
I guess it's about time you get a new dealer.


Well-Known Member
i do grow my own.
this was for cocaine.
do the math on growing coca and converting it.
not worth it.


Well-Known Member
If I was a patient, i'd be growing legally so fucking fast. My back yard would have fucking moats, and punji pits and shit. JK, not traps. Traps are bad, and give us a bad name. Use your head, not traps, dogs, or guns.


Well-Known Member
i do grow my own.
this was for cocaine.
do the math on growing coca and converting it.
not worth it.
fuckery.,.,idk wat kind of coke dealer u fuck wiyt.,.,but "raging" with sumone that deals with coke usually gets u on milk cartons or the news but.,.,.???thats wat happens when u got money in the street ure on ure own time.,.,wat the fuck u think he does clock in and out.,.,lol,.,.


Well-Known Member
Drug dealers are lazy pieces of shit who think they are thugs, It's the distributors who are respectful and have higher morals(well most of them).


Active Member
I bought a couple ounces from my dealer and that same exact day I went outside to see the stupid fuck beaten the hell out of my car with a skateboard.


Active Member
Back in high school it was bad, all of the drug dealers were just sketchy kids that went to community college. Now that I'm in college I couldn't ask for a better drug dealer, nicest guy i've ever met. hahaa ..


Well-Known Member
Your just messing with the wrong one. When I sold coke I was like dominos 30 min or it's free lol. But the longer you've sold coke the lazier you get I don't know why but that's how it goes.


My dealers a sketchy pain in the ass. Rarely answers his phone, gives the run around when delivering, and just a dick to deal with. If I was dealing, I'd make sure that I was reliable in making my customers happy. Especially if some of the customers were close friends. I bought off this one guy and was 5 dollars short of his asking price, so he sold me the bag and I ended up smoking half of it with him that night. I see him later that week and he's like "oh dude, you got that $5 from last time?" Are you kidding me? You really that desperate for $5 even after I ended up smoking half the bag with you? Jerk offs.


Well-Known Member
It's all in contacts I suppose. You either know people who sell enough where little shit doesn't matter *sell/buy by the QP - good thing to think about*.
However, you can get really good dealers. The trick is to find people who..well I guess, best was I can describe them as looking 'normal' I don't mean like a guy who looks meh, I mean like someone who looks chill, non-agressive or peacockish, someone who doesn't stand out but has presence. This seems complex but is really easy to note.

I mean, dealers, for shit thats like ounces and less are a dime a dozen, so you have variety, it all comes back to the beginning though, you need dem contacts. I suggest being more social-town as a solution. Either that or grow.


Active Member
fuck drug dealers...grow your ownor get a medical card and find yourself a cool budtender lol
I like dealing with people, it makes me happy to see that they are happy. I feel bad if I cant get them exactly what they want when they want... i suppose that's why i want to be a doctor lol