• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Drug Dealers


Well-Known Member
Hormone disruption. ie man boobs, ball shrinkage, facial hair stunting

Temporary memory impairment. (NO it doesnt kill brain cells but it does stunt them and put them into a state of como)

AND #1 is a pyshological anomaly that has been found where people that smoke every day, every minute are stoned. wake and bake, go to work, smoke a bowl there, work, eat lunch smoke a bowl, work, go home smoke a bowl, smoke, fall alseep.

Repeat people.

Are found that mentally they are similar to the same age they were when they started smoking weed. IE. a 16 year old that starts and stops when there 20 something are still 16 mentally.


Well-Known Member
if i sold i wouldnt consider my self a drug dealer, not because cannibis isnt a drug. no because this is american...

the specs thats sells booze, the number one drug abused on earth, doesnt call its self a drug dealer.nor does the supermarket selling the fags that kill you.

so i would follow along in its foot steps...

im a marijuana salesman, or marijuana mart(m-mart)

funny how they "CONDITION" TO BELIEVE that weeds is just a drug, and should be illegal, when there so called changed-named-substances kill us more than anything else and its ok for me to go out and get cancer, or get hit by a drunk driver, but not ok to get high and play gta4 or elderscrolls oblivion??

the end is near my friends....


Well-Known Member
No, what I'm saying is, no matter how much you smoke, you should be able to stop if its fucking things up for you. As a teenager, I smoked every day all day. I was still able to quit.Did I want to smoke still? Yeah, because I like it, not because I needed it.And you can too, if you want.Saying its all in my mind, but I cant help it is a pretty lame excuse.I don't think you need to be exactly like me....but don't hold yourself back if theres really no reason.If you had a physical addiction, yeah, things would be tougher. But you said you don't.So the only thing stopping you from doing whatever you want is you. You CAN if you WANT to.That was my point. that's the only part of your initial post I was referring to.:peace:
Ok here we go, no weed is not fucking things up for me, so sorry to disappoint you. If it was fucking with your mind then Iguess it was a good idea for you to stop. I have quit a few times like I said in my earlier post, with no problems, not only did I smoke everyday as a teen I still smoke all day everyday. I like smoking weed, so I will smoke until I get bored which I doubt will happen. I never once said it is my mind but can't help it, I said it is a dependence that you create because of its nature, being a mind alternating substance it is animal nature to change perception, dogs will eat weed if they find it, it is natural instinct to change perception. Now your assumption that I am holding myself back is faulty and uncalled for, you have no grounds to say that I, being me, is somehow holding me back. For example, if i hadn't started smoking I would have very few friends, which has opened alot of doors for me as far as being involved with culture and society. Since I did start smoking weed I was able to sleep as a teen due to insomnia, which inturn helped grades and also helped with my social life.

true, but, if you want to stop and can't you are a weak individual. if we were taking about an actual drug i would be more inclined to feel sympathy for someone who is truly an addict because, of the withdraw factor(especially heroine). the difference with marijuana is the fact that it actually grows from the earth. there isn't another abused substance on earth that actually grows and is enjoyed in it's natural composition. let's be realistic, marijuana is considered a drug because, there are a lot of gullible people who fall victim to the status quo(smokers included). it's time for change and it's time for us Americans to make conscience decisions, instead of falling into the chasm of political propaganda and the interest of oil lobbyists. let me clear up my point, i'm not referring to oil, i'm referring to oil companies fueling the disenfranchisement of the marijuana plant for monetary gain. herb is only a drug because, politicians owed a dept to oil lobbyist.....i.e the oil companies. drugs kill and marijuana does not:clap::clap::clap:
I dont know what your talking about Oil companies for, It is not them that will be affected if weed becomes legal. It is pharmaceutical companies that will be effected. Hemp is being used as fuel at a very small scale in Canada, don't know about US. But it is such an insignificant amount that it would not affect quarterly profits, mostly because there isn't a greatly efficient way of extracting the ethanol or whatever it is. But neither is oil from oil sands, Im unsure of the numbers, but im sure it is close. If weed became legal, hard drug use would go down.

Right...psychological addiction is bull. And lots of folks fall for it.As I said before, we're all the masters of our own destiny.
We are master of out destiny as you so originally put it. But a psychological dependence is like a routine that every body settles into. Like if everyday for 2months you got up at 8:35, brushed your teeth at 8:40 and went on RIU at 8:50 then everyday following that routine would become, well routine. You can try as hard as you want to change this routine and if you think about it it will be the easiest thing, but if you have no desire to change this typical behavior you will continue to do this. It is the awesomely scheduled life that will create the psychological addiction.

i smoked weed for 10 years straight every day. i was still a good son, husband, friend or family member. i quit smoking for years for a job. just went cold turkey one day and didnt suffer one ill side effect. when i quit smoking and used other drugs such as legal pain pills and alcohol is when my life took a turn for the worse. this is peoples medicine for the terminally ill or people in chronic pain or relief for 1000 different ailments. what are the real drugs and pushers? the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies that are getting filthy rich for prescribing a pill for every ailment, that at the same time wreaks havoc on peoples bodies. the legal drugs are killing people not the herb. so if i sold a little herb to a friend in need(which i dont do anymore), i wouldnt call myself a drug dealer nor would i lose a wink of sleep. if i sold a ball of yay, to my uncle that used his kids school clothes money on, yeah i would have a guilty conscience. but i am not gonna demonize an all natural remedy that is helping millions of people.
I didn't say demonize it I said that just because a drug comes from the earth doesn't make it not a drug. It is a chemical compound at very low amounts can change you perception of time and give you a wicked body high. Like I said I am an avid user and even an pot advocate, but using it irresponsibly, like going out with your friends and getting so baked it is hard to function as a human being. I used to do this all the time, but then I stopped smoking with lots of my friends and just 2 or 3 of us would chill and smoke a few bowls and just hangout. Because it is a drug it should not be the activity, it should be the activity enhancement.For example, everyday I wake up at 7:00 and I go for a 2.5 hour bike ride. I pack a bong, weed, and water. I smoke before I get on the ride. But then When I get to my smoking destination I fill the bong then poor it out. Then get back on my bike. This is often enough to remind me I dont need weed inorder to enjoy life.



Well-Known Member
Hormone disruption. ie man boobs, ball shrinkage, facial hair stunting

Temporary memory impairment. (NO it doesnt kill brain cells but it does stunt them and put them into a state of como)

AND #1 is a pyshological anomaly that has been found where people that smoke every day, every minute are stoned. wake and bake, go to work, smoke a bowl there, work, eat lunch smoke a bowl, work, go home smoke a bowl, smoke, fall alseep.

Repeat people.

Are found that mentally they are similar to the same age they were when they started smoking weed. IE. a 16 year old that starts and stops when there 20 something are still 16 mentally.

this is all a joke right? 'cause this info is waaaay off. Broadband Player


Well-Known Member
I hear alot of heads say pot isnt a drug, and I too thought that way, but its time to face the facts, marijuana is absolutly a drug, butttt, so is coffee, cocacola, tea, advil, and lots of other things we take everyday, just because somthings a drug dosnt mean its bad.
so yes I do consider pot dealers drug dealers but not in a way that most do, I consider my grocery store a drug dealer, and not just because they sell pot :P!!! they have tons of coffee, energy drinks, sodas, advile, tylenol, cheese and all other kinds of drug infested products!!!!


Active Member
were i live if u sell crack heroin an shit like dat its a carreer choice lol no1 sells weed eccept kids an peolple that r like workin thereway up to tha harder drugs


Well-Known Member
I hear alot of heads say pot isnt a drug, and I too thought that way, but its time to face the facts, marijuana is absolutly a drug, butttt, so is coffee, cocacola, tea, advil, and lots of other things we take everyday, just because somthings a drug dosnt mean its bad.
so yes I do consider pot dealers drug dealers but not in a way that most do, I consider my grocery store a drug dealer, and not just because they sell pot :P!!! they have tons of coffee, energy drinks, sodas, advile, tylenol, cheese and all other kinds of drug infested products!!!!
I feel you, most any substance including food is a drug in essence, but we dont call all things including water a drug.

I mean we NEED water, its vital, we have to have it almost every day, but for humans sake we move past calling some things drugs for sake of relevance to life.


Well-Known Member
that was kind of my point I think?
theirs been many studies done on cannabinoids in the Human and other animal bodies, and the truth is we need it!!!, well no we dont because our bodies naturaly make chemicals that mimic thc ( or that thc mimics) that we wouldnt be able to survive and function without.
there was a study done on rats and they somhow got the rats bodies to stop making these naturally accruing cannabinoids, and the rats would soon die if they wernt given marijuana every few hours.
so the average person dosnt need it, but its very possible that some people have an off balanced natural connabinoid thing going and may need to smoke to stay semi normal.
I personaly believe that the extended use of marijuana for decades can kill you, but only in the same way that being happy would kill you, or scratching your head, but I wont even get into that, but I will say, its fucking amazing stuff!!!


Well-Known Member
us and animals
pot itself
man made

strange how we are the only thing it connects with. and stop telling me not to get my cat high. :)

"Currently, there are three general types of cannabinoids: phytocannabinoids occur uniquely in the cannabis plant; endogenous cannabinoids are produced in the bodies of humans and other animals; and synthetic cannabinoids are similar compounds produced in a laboratory."
Cannabinoids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
I dont know what your talking about Oil companies for, It is not them that will be affected if weed becomes legal. It is pharmaceutical companies that will be effected. Hemp is being used as fuel at a very small scale in Canada, don't know about US. But it is such an insignificant amount that it would not affect quarterly profits, mostly because there isn't a greatly efficient way of extracting the ethanol or whatever it is. But neither is oil from oil sands, Im unsure of the numbers, but im sure it is close. If weed became legal, hard drug use would go down.

the question is not will they be affected, it's a matter of how they were being affected. in the early part of the 1900's hemp seed oil was the major source of fuel for automobiles. yes, the issues of conflict have crossed over to the pharmaceutical industry, but, the alienation of the marijuana plant originated from oil companies looking to monopolize. speaking of the U.S. of course.
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Well-Known Member
that was kind of my point I think?
theirs been many studies done on cannabinoids in the Human and other animal bodies, and the truth is we need it!!!, well no we dont because our bodies naturaly make chemicals that mimic thc ( or that thc mimics) that we wouldnt be able to survive and function without.
there was a study done on rats and they somhow got the rats bodies to stop making these naturally accruing cannabinoids, and the rats would soon die if they wernt given marijuana every few hours.
so the average person dosnt need it, but its very possible that some people have an off balanced natural connabinoid thing going and may need to smoke to stay semi normal.
I personaly believe that the extended use of marijuana for decades can kill you, but only in the same way that being happy would kill you, or scratching your head, but I wont even get into that, but I will say, its fucking amazing stuff!!!

i agree. one of my ex-girlfriends is a chemist. i tried to hide the fact that i was a "drug dealer" and heavy marijuana smoker. fortunately, everything came to light and to my surprise her herb appetite and tolerance rivaled my own much to my surprise. we had extensive conversations about herb and she explained to me how marijuana is chemically good for the body. i don't remember what she told me specifically but, reading your quote brought up the memory. would any chemists or college students studying such care to elaborate?


Well-Known Member
I'm no chemist or college student, but I am a 14 year veteran smoker of the SPECIAL Cannabis plant! Here is what I can share from EXPERIENCE. Drug is only a word in a written dictionary created by humans so really in a higher sense it means absolutely nothing. It's just a way to identify something. Drug dealer has already been THOROUGHLY explained in someone's earlier post. If you didn't see it read again & then again! It's there - It couldn't be explained better. As far as human relation to the Cannabis plant - it is in my opinion very important to us and I'll explain why. Animals & humans show distinct differences in their sexes generally speaking correct? Guess what plant is one of the only in the WORLD that has striking differences between male & female. There are others that do, but not like this one. It's the Cannabis/Hemp plant. Coincidence - I think not. The prohibition involves much much more than just the pharma. companies. A Cannabis/Hemp plant could save the world, but it would cause economic disater for all big business. This one plant could grow almost anywhere so there would be tons & tons of it(no shortages). You could make - ready - paper,clothes,fuel,food, beverages, rope, etc. The list just goes on & on. Hemp fiber is the strongest natural fiber in the world. Hemp seed is loaded with all types of great nutrients. Smoking is great, but eating the products of the Cannabis/Hemp plant properly prepared is extremely benificial to your health & can get you baked if you make certain recipes. My believes on smoking everyday( I consumed/smoked well over 20 lbs. of Cannabis in my life). It does effect short term memory, but only temporarily - It does take some lung power away if your a heavy smoker, but nothing drastic. It definately allows the mind to be more open & understanding to different ideas & concepts. Overall with reasonable use - NOT ABUSE - it's as helpful as any other beneficial plant if not more. Of note I only been really sick once since I started using & I never take pain pills or any other pill or vitamin. I eat right, cosume Cannabis, & think for myself. These are some important things to remember for well being. One love!


Well-Known Member
Great Post D, it was very informative and thats what I like to see. But when you said that it cause lower lung strength, that is just a myth. It actually allows you to breath deeper and clearer, because of smoking for such a long time your lungs repair them selves from the initial damage, then are only damaged slightly and continue to repair, which creates scar tissue allowing you to breath more noxious things with out being "hurt" as badly. The scar tissue is not really scar tissue but a resistant layering type thing.\



Well-Known Member
First of all any drug is addictive and a psychological addiction is the less severe kind. It is called a psychological dependence. This psychological dependence creates a placebo in your body causing you to believe that you are addicted. As far as a strong mind, I have a very strong mind, I think it is insulting you even would think as to judge me before you get your facts straight, ok. now you contradicted yourself in that atrocity you call an argument at the last sentence you said you are addicted to RIU and pepsi. Well that my friend isn't a drug and you are addicted to it, I think it is you has the weak mind. I think me being able to do drugs everyday for months on end, and several times a day at that, and being able to drop them in no time is having a pretty strong mind. Now I am not telling you to break your responsibilities and start smoking weed more, but me probably having a very similar schedule of responsibilities and i can smoke weed everyday with minimal problems, so that is just one more way I am stronger than you. I've tried other drugs and I'm only addicted to weed as far as I can tell, I never drink, I have done Weed, Shrooms, Acid, DMT, Opium, Salvia and I am neither addicted to them I have no urge to do them in the near future.

i feel that shit bro.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe what I'm reading here on RIU.. does anyone seriously feel guilty for smoking?

<Stands on chair>

I smoke marijuana every single day. I am not addicted to marijuana. Marijuana heals my body and mind in a multitude of ways that no amount of doctors or pills could surpass. Smoking marijuana also makes me more creative and helps me concentrate on minute details pertaining to my creative works- namely a driving force behind my work as a seamstress. Smoking marijuana has improved my life- and I am thankful everyday for such a magickal plant.
I'm sure it makes your work even more genuine and unique!


awesome post hotNSexyMilf