Drug Dogs


Well-Known Member
there is a certain smell with all marijuana, similar to how all marijuana has a similar feel to the high

(Even while sativas and indicas are radically different in their highs (speed to morphine/valium) both have the certain same feel to the high)

its the same with the smell, even though there are different fragrances along with it, usually with every weed i smell the certain, marijuana smell, even if its fainter than the strongest aroma coming from the herb.and if the smell is not there, the weed is very old or just was never fragrant (though a dog might perhaps sniff it ;) (i do however have a rather unusually strong sense of smell)

but of course as with taste, you do have to have a practiced nose as well (that you actually use it on a regular basis to smell different things and learn to single out one smell from many or something like that..)
Actually, my friend was out walking me one day through the park and I stopped, stock still- I could smell eet! From god knows how long ago, but ten seconds later I'd shot off, dug and sniffed around this bench, found an old baggie, picked it up and ran back with it to her.

She was fucking awestruck, and once I went back to 'human mode', so was I 0_O;


Well-Known Member
I'm a therianthrope. Said so in my profile, and my avatar is a self portrait :3 *wag wag*

Lol I already rolled one for Shannon Alexander and posted a rolling video. You got a hot towel-down though.


Well-Known Member
Socata, I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf. God, I should let you run through my Werelist account and you'd understand.

You can pretend to be, just don't actually start believing it... imagination is what makes you HUMAN...

Not a dog, or a therianthrope whatever that is... didn't bother looking that word up.