Drug Etiquette!!!


Well-Known Member
If its not my bag, I dont complain. My buddy usually rolls blunts when we chill, he usually rolls them smooth. Once I made the mistake of commenting on how loose it was by saying "like a baggy pair of pants". I have to hear him say that everytime he lights one up.

So i would have to add
#? - If someone else rolled the blunt, keep your mouth shut if its loose or whatever. If its too tight don't bitch, just get it hitting.
this is true but if the joint is totally unsmokable and harsh on the throat, ive seen some corkers in my time, there is no other option but to mention it. Constructive critisism of course though.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you ask thats its cool to light up a cigarette after a bowl.. Some stoners dont smoke them and want to keep it that way..


Well-Known Member
The worst part about Marijuana Etiquette is trying to introduce it to people that have absolutely no manners

I think the biggest rule broken around me is when you light up a joint with friends and as you pass it around people want to stand around with it and take more than two puffs


Well-Known Member
maybe you just don't let them smoke with you, or you can fuck there sister,or you can pop them in the nuts.. you can make up your own consiquenses in your klick... just don't let it continue....word.....i'm so high


Well-Known Member
thanks for the rep guys! Does anyone know who that is speaking??? Rep if you do. shouldn't be that hard...
His name is on the tip of my brain, some Scottish comedian who made it big for a short time here in the U.S. I am AWFUL with names, but that shit TOTALLY cracked me up because I loved how the lass slipped in and botched everyone's play for the spliff. :lol: That shit rawked.
Make sure you ask thats its cool to light up a cigarette after a bowl.. Some stoners dont smoke them and want to keep it that way..
Oooohh.. good one! I haven't smoked tobacco in over 23 years and don't care for it at all, especially receiving 2nd-hand smoke.


Well-Known Member
Same here, unless you're at my house. We have designated smoking areas, the others are off limits (fire hazard issues). :)


Well-Known Member
His name is on the tip of my brain, some Scottish comedian who made it big for a short time here in the U.S. I am AWFUL with names, but that shit TOTALLY cracked me up because I loved how the lass slipped in and botched everyone's play for the spliff. :lol: That shit rawked.

Oooohh.. good one! I haven't smoked tobacco in over 23 years and don't care for it at all, especially receiving 2nd-hand smoke.
Nope totally wrong! Come on now this should be very easy on a stoner forum...


Well-Known Member
Nope totally wrong! Come on now this should be very easy on a stoner forum...
Aw MAN! Even when you're stoned? I'm terrible with names! If you didn't have your name as your nick I'd forget it and call you John. The whole first week that I knew my very first boyfriend in high school I called him John because I couldn't remember his name, it's that bad! bongsmilie

This is the section of Trivial Pursuit I always lose, too. :roll:


Well-Known Member
don't ask me to be the middle man. then get your bag and bounce....you better spark some shit or leave me a joint or something!!! or next time i don't say anything and pinch the shit out of your bag and never get you another, or i'll tax your ass.


Well-Known Member
don't ever ever ever ask me to get you a sac, then say you don't want it,,, I'm not buying it (or don't wan't it) Plus don't have a receipt for the bag, and dude don't want it back!


Well-Known Member
you all forgot...when sitting on the sofa..and passing the joint..the guys in the middle get to hit the joint going both ways when the others are too stoned to notice...oh yea..and one that should be proper manners..is when someone loads a fresh bowl..take your lighter and only burn a little piece of it...so the next guy has a fresh hit of nice green...


Well-Known Member
and i forgot...all lighter thief's receive full pardon for their theft of lighters..when they are stoned..and at least attempt to return your lighter...even if they used all of the fluid out of it....im a terrible lighter thief..i dont mean to do it..i just get high..and will have everyone';s lighter in my pocket...its the eight wonder of the world..and i do return them..normally empty...LOL...


Well-Known Member
and i forgot...all lighter thief's receive full pardon for their theft of lighters..when they are stoned..and at least attempt to return your lighter...even if they used all of the fluid out of it....im a terrible lighter thief..i dont mean to do it..i just get high..and will have everyone';s lighter in my pocket...its the eight wonder of the world..and i do return them..normally empty...LOL...

this is the most common offense. lighter stealing. everyone does it. no one means to. i started out the school year with over 20 lighters and now ive got 1 left. bastards. oh well i know i steal them too