Drug Free Workplace?


Active Member
I have just been hired for a great position right that I successfully passed a piss test for. If this a random drug testing place, will they need to inform me as such in the employee handbook? I haven't found anything they gave me mention it.


bud bootlegger
yah, i think all places say that they are drug free, that doesn't mean that they will give randoms once you get hired.. my old place gave ua's to get hired, but never random's once hired as i don't think they wanted to lose more than half of their employees


Well-Known Member
generally in the paper work you sign or in the hand book it should say something along the lines that they reserve the right to drug test you if they feel that your work has been slacking off and they have reason to believe that drugs may be involved, then if you have benefits you generally have the option to go to rehab for a certain amount of days, but you'll probably be fired shortly after returning anyway. But unless it says they have the right to do that and you sign it, then they can't randomly drug test you. Just don't mess up at work and don't go in smelling like bud and they wont have a reason to drug test you. lol.


Well-Known Member
Some jobs just test for your initial hire and not gain. I'd ask some other employees how often they do tests and see what they say


Well-Known Member
i used to rent moving trucks from a cycle shop that made some money on the side doing the uhaul rental thing.

name of their business was Trail Head Cycles, and the first letter of each word was made huge. they had a sign in there that said "wok free drug place". always in a good mood, really nice folks.

i was always tempted to offer them some out of my stash...


Active Member
if it is a job working on airplanes quit your job if they want you to piss, the FAA will kick your ass it they find out.. lol


Well-Known Member
hehey, we're drug free as well... Lol doesnt mean we dont smoke a spliff with the boss or soemthing.. phhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
it's in the employment contract.

if you signed it without reading it's your own fault.

you may request an employee handbook from HR at anytime without fear of retribution or punishment.

generally there has to be strict procedures detailed and specified out to the last minute detail on what the drug policy is. for example, many workplaces specify that if you are hurt on the job, you may be required to get a drug test before getting compensation. and random drug tests have to be exactly that, random. they have to explain just how random the drug tests are, and what the selection process is, so the worker may calculate what the odds are of them getting selected for a drug test. they can't just say there's random drug test and 'randomly' select the guy with dreads every time. it is also illegal for a company to say they randomly test for drugs, and to never do it, even though 98% of drug free workplaces are full of drug users who NEVER get tested.

they have to specify what type of test is done, and you may request the sample be taken by a licensed health care professional. your manager at chillis can't ask you to piss in the cup while he watches.

some states have laws prohibiting immediate termination arising from a positive drug test result, and instead require the company to allow the worker to seek substance abuse counseling.

it really depends on where you work and what you do.


Well-Known Member
My drug free workplace has you sign during hiring and asks on the application but never tests you when they hire or afterwards. People are pro legalization here and more then half the office smokes. Lol call centers


Active Member
When I started my new job last week and we got to the part where I needed to sign the drug-free workplace papers my boss said to me "just make sure you smoke in your car and make sure you invite me" hahaha, to which I replied "you might be my boss but you don't get free smoke" he liked that one, we went out and toked up after we finished all the paperwork, my last 2 bosses have been stoners, idk how i've gotten so lucky.


Well-Known Member
Most middle companies only test on hiring, afterwards it will probably be a suspicion based reason for testing,so ya no getting smoked up b4 work or screwing up yur job.

A drug test? I hope its multiple choice.


Well-Known Member
I've been driving truck for almost 6 years now, never been piss tested, other that a few pre-hires.

Just don't show up looking like Merle Haggard......without the Merle.

Always have Clear Eyes/Visine....whatever on hand. As a heavy smoker I often wake up with blood shot eyes that stick around for a good portion of the morning, even without a wake n bake session.

Generally, don't give them a reason to test you, and they most likely won't. But randoms..........you are on your own with that. Never had to deal with those.