drug test help please i'm fat!.



take a niacin dude, there only a couple bucks, and drink plenty of juice/water to flush your system

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

if it's so important that your family's life is essentially on the line, get your son, your pop, your brother, and tell em to piss in a bottle. how cheap is that in comparison to buying in products! not too nice, but who gives a damn when it's someones lifestyle and family on the line


Well-Known Member
i'm 6'2 210lbs, i had 2 weeks to clean for a ui, i flushed with the water, cranberry juice, and niacin, i had never failed a test before. well there is always a first. flunked big time. next time i have to test i will use someone elses urine. missed out on a hell of a job.


New Member
Alright so i'm fat, i'm 5'10 260lbs and I have smoked close to a gram everyday for 2 years, my job never requiered a drug test but out of the blue everyone has todo it... I have "maybe" 2 weeks to get ready and being fat like I am from munchies is there anyway to 100% pass a test? This job is my familys lifes, why wont they just let us pot smokers live free dammit! Also i've read the others threads on drug testing but since i'm 260lbs and a long time user I just thought I would ask, thank you all so much!kiss-ass


New Member
I'm 6 2 365lbs and always pass. Get someone else's pee in a pill bottle and tape a hand water on it then tape it to your leg. it comes out perfect temp


New Member
i'm 6'2 210lbs, i had 2 weeks to clean for a ui, i flushed with the water, cranberry juice, and niacin, i had never failed a test before. well there is always a first. flunked big time. next time i have to test i will use someone elses urine. missed out on a hell of a job.
I bought urine tests online to check. 3 weeks later still dirty


New Member
Huh? Synthetic piss? Hmm, ok.
You have 2 weeks.......quit smoking (I know....it aint easy, just do it) Drink TONS AND TONS of water daily. The day of the actual test, drink EVEN MORE. You should be fine.
And go to the gym and sit in the sauna for 30 min a day


Well-Known Member

The Loompas creep me out because they have two huge penises that jut out sideways. This makes it easy for them to masturbate simply by having their hands in their pockets. Perhaps I'm just jealous. Here they are seen dumping their sugary jizz into the chocolate river. Lol, those pesky little pervs will do anything for a laugh...
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Well-Known Member
My penis is so short and so thick that It looks like a personal pan pizza.
with which topping though... trying to picture it, and I need more details
besides.. didn't you do a nice illustration about your penis a while back?
I remember it to not resemble a pizza..
course i'm subjected to many penile illustrations..
so I may have mixed them up..
I get a LOT of users mixed up here...