Drug Test Tomorrow - Input Greatly Appreciated

Hi, there! I've spent the past several days researching like a mad woman & now I'm down to crunch time - my pre-employment UA is tomorrow. I live in Washington state & am testing @ US Healthworks. I purchased Quick Fix Plus, as I have read several reviews that it works. My hesitancy with it is that I've also read a few who have failed/came up as synthetic. It appears that they are testing for synthetic in Oregon, but I cannot verify if that is being done in Washington state. Meanwhile, I have one friend who doesn't smoke, however, she took 2 hits last weekend.

My question for all of you is: do u think I'm safer to use the Quick Fix, or my friend's urine? I CANNOT fail this test.

Suggestions?? Thank u so much for ur input! I'm new to this site, but not a new stoner! :))))


Well-Known Member
If she only took two hits in last 3 months and is in great health, her urine might be a better bet. A trace amount of a substance could easily be a mistake at lab (retest), but a synthetic positive would be evidence you attempted to subvert a test, and that could end up in a record somewhere... That is how I think of it, maybe someone has a better idea?
I spoke with her an hour ago & she did NOT take 2 hits last weekend, but she did take 2 hits on 01/08 - that's 6 wks ago. She has not taken anything else (pills wise) since then & does have general good health - exercises, drinks water..

Again, my debate is between her pee or synthetic - I went ahead & bought the Quick Fix Plus, so I have the kit & can use their bottle/testing strip, etc...but I'm leaning towards using her urine vs synthetic b/c IF they did test synthetic, how the hell do I talk my way out of that one??

Thoughts?? What would u do?


Active Member
It took me 6 weeks to get clean from smoking every day for about two months. She should be clean .... go with her pisssssssssssssss
Thx for the input, everyone! I've decided to use hers vs the synthetic. I'm heading to her house now & then to the lab. Eeeek!!! CONFIDENCE...right? :)))

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
hi, there! I've spent the past several days researching like a mad woman & now i'm down to crunch time - my pre-employment ua is tomorrow. I live in washington state & am testing @ us healthworks. I purchased quick fix plus, as i have read several reviews that it works. My hesitancy with it is that i've also read a few who have failed/came up as synthetic. It appears that they are testing for synthetic in oregon, but i cannot verify if that is being done in washington state. Meanwhile, i have one friend who doesn't smoke, however, she took 2 hits last weekend.

My question for all of you is: Do u think i'm safer to use the quick fix, or my friend's urine? I cannot fail this test.

Suggestions?? Thank u so much for ur input! I'm new to this site, but not a new stoner! :))))
so did you pass the test or what?? Dont leave us all hanging