Drug test.


Well-Known Member
hey guyshavn't been on for a long time. but i have a question whats the best way to beat a probation drug test? i'm pretty sure i'll be behind closed doors.... i could get clean piss but i'm on fentanyl and viks for BT and smoke yet to help pain. And they know this... i don't know if they will be testing me for them but wouldn't be in clean pee. This all started because they found a bowl in my car after a really bad accident. not even any pot... just a bowl OMFG Pa. sucks donkey dick. :evil:


Well-Known Member
When I was on probation here in VA, they watched me pee every single time. I can't believe they put you on supervised probation for possession. Is it a community service-based probation, or like, probation and parole probation?


Well-Known Member
tell them in advance what youve done in the last week and they might, MIGHT let you take a retest next week. bring your prescription and tell them you are given opiates by a doctor and toke a lil to deal with lifes stresses. if they bitch at you for weed quote fredrich nizche and say "if stress of this world is too much to deal with you must smoke hashish"


Well-Known Member
well i'm on ard my first time getting in trouble not parole. i work 40 hrs a week in extrucating pain and they want me to do 40 hrs comm. service... i don't even get to go fishing that much anymore. sucks to think this nonsense is what my taxdollars are spent on...


Well-Known Member
Okay, so it's a community-based probation. Chances are that if they test you at all, it will be behind closed doors. Smuggling in some clean urine isn't hard, just tape it onto the inside of your leg or under your arm where it will stay warm in case they check the temperature.

Like the other poster said, the first time just come clean with what you've done and they might let a dirty test slide as long as you don't test dirty again after that.

Again, that's IF they test you at all. I've done the community based probation, too, and they never tested me once.


Well-Known Member
my po came today he wants me to go once a month i'm a guy what if the pee is girls? lol and like i said i have a fentanyl patch i don't really take the vicodin if she pee's for me no fent in her's will they test for that? i wear 50mcg patch for 3 days then change...


Well-Known Member
and they know what meds i'm on figured i tell them if they tested me and would see them anyway i didn't think they would test. so i've been smoking yet. gave me 7 days till my first one.


im on probation to. best thing to do is dont smoke for 7-10 days leading to test. on day of test drown urself with water piss like 10 times b4 u go into there. take a few multi vitamin pills for yellow color about an hour or so for the test, and give them a sample from middle of ur urine. works like a charm for me.


Well-Known Member
i do have 7 days i'm short and 120lbs fast metab. but i smoke like a fucking chimminy an Oz. a week ROFL think it would still work?


stop smoking dummy. sweat it out untill 3-4 days leading up to test {excercise}. then take it ez, and follow what i told you


Active Member
I have been on probation in florida and colorado and they ALWAYS watch you piss if you are on supervised probation... only gauranteed way to pass is to quit. I had to quit for 2 years and I get off probation here in colorado next week. I was a certified pothead and it was extremely hard to quit, but it was that or go to jail soo if i can do it soo can you. Dont try to fool them with a urinator either cause they know all about that shit


Active Member
And for your info, most probation, even in california restricts you from smoking even if you have a medical card..........


dilutions is the key. most lab tests can detect low amounts of thc. a count of 25 or less is passing. this is a situation were u can actually say you were in a car that was clam baked. i have been on probation a long time. i smoke weed all the time untill i have to prepare for a piss test. if i get violated im facing 4-15 years in the state joint.


most of the pills and drinks dont work. the best one i have seen used is cq carb and it dont always do it


Well-Known Member
oh they work, i have a friend i smoke with daily who gets tested weekly and swears by detox drinks. stat may no longer be the best but i know he smokes constantly and never fails a drug test

actually i heard you can fail a drug test for chemicals that mask a drug test so i dont know how he gets away with it


Active Member
any ever herd of using drinking gellitan sheets? Friend told me to dilute a sheet of gellitan in OJ and it works?