drug test

Thanks. I'll read up about it some more. I guess I'm wondering how it works. Is it a completely clean sample? Does it have traces of common over the counter meds like Tylenol or anything like that. Just curious if a perfect sample would raise alarms.
Thanks. I'll read up about it some more. I guess I'm wondering how it works. Is it a completely clean sample? Does it have traces of common over the counter meds like Tylenol or anything like that. Just curious if a perfect sample would raise alarms.

It's lab synthetic neither male or female, perfectly balanced sample created in a lab. It is against the law to test a sample for gender.
I smoked the night before a test when I was 19 for a job at an airport. Drank a ton of water, pissed 5 times clear before going in for the test. Pissed clear for the test and passed. Did the same thing for my current job. Smoked up until a week before the test, drank a ton of water before the test, piss multiple times clear, then take the test. Someone with a high body fat % will struggle with this method, but otherwise should work.

The only problem with this is you run the risk of it coming back "diluted/tampered"... lol trrrruuusssttt me on that one folks.. Thats what the heavy dose of B vitamins helps with..
I did take a multivitamin. Still pissing clear though.
They can eye it up and reject it for being too clear in some places, or at least they used too. More important, if the gravity level isnt right and the absence of Creatine in the sample can end up rejected by a lab officially as "Negative Diluted" it happened to me one time. I was given the option to re-test and I did and passed, but I became and was more as less treated as a suspect after that.
no synthetic urine here, but ive used a Platinum Magnum Force masking drink before with no problems. Was 300% money back guarentee so i figured id try it out. Just do as it says and dont smoke for 48hrs then drink and piss as it says and your golden. Gives you like a 6hr window.

Though i have failed with one as well due to going past the 6hr mark due to having to go to the dmv to get a state id since traffic accident took my id. But i had also smoked the day before and didnt give the 48hr window.

Good luck. Ive seen people pass a piss test and smoke up to a few days before. Dilution helps as most said, but obviously the "hand warmer" or fake piss kits work wonders ive heard from friends as well.
The only vitamins that I cant piss clear on is an animal pack. I took so many supplements from body building that there had to be something in there.
I have a fool proof way to pass drug tests . I have passed 10 tests in the past 24 months .
I quit smoking. Period. No paranoia. No stress.
I love to grow but I don't smoke. My job pays me enough to actually quit.
do you hang around your wife when she smokes....other words, do you get any second-hand smoke, as I've heard that can even fail the piss test
Watch the hand warmers.. They will have you pissing over 110 degrees.. friend of a friend told me
That is correct.. I used it with mine and it was to hot.. Bottle comes with a thermometer attached so when I took it out to use the temp was to high.. Take cap off and shake it around a little till u see the temp drop into range then pour into collection cup.. Make sure temp is in range before pouring into cup because most cups register temp as soon as sample hits it,and it can't be to high..
do you hang around your wife when she smokes....other words, do you get any second-hand smoke, as I've heard that can even fail the piss test
Yes , my wife smokes in the same room that I watch TV in . I have never failed a test . I do make sure that I wear gloves to handle plants when working with them .
As far as the color goes its specifically the vitamin B12 that will add color ( albeit a bit neon green looking :) ) to the specimen.
That is correct.. I used it with mine and it was to hot.. Bottle comes with a thermometer attached so when I took it out to use the temp was to high.. Take cap off and shake it around a little till u see the temp drop into range then pour into collection cup.. Make sure temp is in range before pouring into cup because most cups register temp as soon as sample hits it,and it can't be to high..
What temp range should it be in?