drug test

Fuck I feel bad for you guys that have to do drug tests. Is that something common in the states?

I do an office job and if they drug tested us, the whole company would fail haha
Fuck I feel bad for you guys that have to do drug tests. Is that something common in the states?

I do an office job and if they drug tested us, the whole company would fail haha
Yeah, here in the states almost everything but the shit jobs drug test in the hiring process, and god forbid if you drive anything, or even now a lot of equipment operators have to submit to random testing.
Fuck I feel bad for you guys that have to do drug tests. Is that something common in the states?

I do an office job and if they drug tested us, the whole company would fail haha
Yep, most decent size companies that have an HR dept and what not requires a drug test during the pre-employment phase, but usually no randomn tests for office jobs and stuff. That's reserved or truck drivers, heavy machinery operators...stuff like that.
Yeah, here in the states almost everything but the shit jobs drug test in the hiring process, and god forbid if you drive anything, or even now a lot of equipment operators have to submit to random testing.

Damn that sucks. I get it if your using heavy machinery. like our forestry sector does it, but people are still out there blazed and losing their arms and legs unfortunately
Shaving? Bleaching? I think it far more rare for companies to do the hair test. Most of them I know just do urine.

Yeah, I don't know of any companies that do check hair. If companies where really that desprite to catch people then they would but unlikely
So anyone else have experience with buying synthetic urine? Seems like a no brainier...
I was crazy nurvious too . I went to a head shop to get the drink n they talked me into the synthetic urine and I got the job .. Its fool proof . it even came with a heat bad to go around it... And directions... Just but it in the microwave for like 15 seconds to get the temp up to 98 degrees (comes with a temp strip right on the plastic bottle) rapped the heat pad around it and wore a pair of my girls like tight pantyhose n put it between my nuts and inter thigh.... When I got into the bathroom , the temp was perfect and I past..... Good luck bro but that worked for me so I would go with that my friend
I used the fake pee once and it worked great . I bought an athletic supporter with a cup so I could use the pouch to hold the bottle and keep things close to body temp.
It took me 3 months to pass a piss test. Was smoking a lot daily for a couple years. Eating well in them years to lol. 6' 200lb. So like someone else said. Depends on your body type and how active you are. More exercise and less body fat it won't linger as long.