Drug test

I deal with my employees getting piss tested at work all the time. Drinking tons of water causing a diluted sample counts as a fail. Niacin pills, cranberry juice, creatine, etc don't work on any tests I've seen in many years. My guys do a five panel piss test at a lab, tests for thc, cocaine, pcp, amphetamines and opiates. The best success my guys have is buying a flush kit and doing home tests to make sure you piss clean. The lab worker stands about 2 feet away from them seperated by a curtain so they can hear if you are fiddling with anything. Been dealing with piss tests for 10+ years and have had to let quite a few people go for failing after reading bs on the internet on how to pass. The bigger you are the longer you will take to piss clean. If you decide to use fake piss it needs to be within a certain temp range or will show up as a fail too. My two cents.

All of my tests are done at a lab. However, some of those, especially the pre-employment screens, are dip tests (same kind you can buy for home) . DoT tests are always sent off to an outside lab and get run through a battery of certified tests. As fast as you can come up with a synthetic, they can detect it. It's like the olympics and doping. The samples that get sent off for lab analysis are much more sensitive.

But since this is pre-employment, chances are they will use the quick check. The difference in the cost is something like $15 compared to $65. This is just a compliance issue to a lot of employers. A lot of times they don't have an axe to grind, insurers require it so they conduct them, but they try to keep the costs low.

Dip tests are barely tests, and have no way to detect synthetics. If you fail it, they will send a sample off to a lab to ensure it wasn't a false positive. But if you pass they throw out the sample. Hope for a dip test. ;)

Oh, and I pass them because I don't take drugs. I'm hoping to exit the corporate/govt world and have a happy retirement though; hence learning to grow.
Your misinformed

I get dot tests on occasion too..
The machine poops out a piece of paper that lists things like specific gravity protein content etc
There's not some guy looking at peaks on a graph going "hmmmm I don't see all the metabolites that should be in human urine living in a first world country".
I have stopped, I'm just freaking out because I don't think I'll be clean in time and pass because of my body weight and the short amount of time which is like 3 and a half weeks
In 28 days as long as you aren't losing weight you should pass. A couple days prior to your home test eat enough food so you are not metabolizing fat, do not exercise, drink plenty of water and do not use first in the morning urine. If you aren't clear 'get sick' for another week and repeat and good luck.
In 28 days as long as you aren't losing weight you should pass. A couple days prior to your home test eat enough food so you are not metabolizing fat, do not exercise, drink plenty of water and do not use first in the morning urine. If you aren't clear 'get sick' for another week and repeat and good luck.
Yeah I was thinking of getting sick for an extra week lol, I'm also drinking like Avalon of water a day and half gallon of ocean spray cranberry juice a day as well. Let's see what happens