Drug test


New Member
hey what's going on guys I recently smoked weed for the first time in a very long time on january 11 and january 13 2016. I just did a drug test today I'm 24 years old (25 in 6 days) 6'1 145 lbs with a very fast metabolism I recently took one of those drug tests at a fifeteen minute labs and passed last Friday I was wondering if you guys know if I'll be good or not for the actual drug test I took today thanks for all the help
hey what's going on guys I recently smoked weed for the first time in a very long time on january 11 and january 13 2016. I just did a drug test today I'm 24 years old (25 in 6 days) 6'1 145 lbs with a very fast metabolism I recently took one of those drug tests at a fifeteen minute labs and passed last Friday I was wondering if you guys know if I'll be good or not for the actual drug test I took today thanks for all the help
You'll find out soon enough. If you smoked a single joint with your friends or like 1 bowl you'll likely be fine. If you ripped it all night and were dehydrated for the piss test then you're fucked.
You should be good man. I smoke daily, fast metabolism as well. Last drug test I passed by drinking strong black coffee. You should fall well within the "allowable" numbers.
That's exactly what it was I took maybe 6 -10 hits off of a single joint each night thanks so much just needed to soothe my mind I guess
You should be fine , if it does show up at all it should be at a extremely low amount so could potentially blag it as passive smoking lol

Stay off drugs !! Well don't but try to before drug tests lol
Marijuana metabolites are stored in your fat cells. Since you are over 6 ft and only 145 lbs., you have very little fat on your frame...........you could smoke and probably be clean in a week.
Last time I dropped, 2 in same day. Failed at 9am and passed at 2 PM.. no detox and daily burner, figure that one out.