Drug testing for Customer Service Rep at Insurance Company?

I have an interview at an independent insurance agency and I was wondering if they usually drug test? As you all know, it's legal in Colorado but I'm still afraid they will drug test before I get the job, because I probably won't pass. What are the new laws with that? I doubt they change that, since it's still illegal federally but even if I have my med card and It's legal in this state will I still not get the job if i show up hot for marijuana? :sad:
Legal or not, most employers don't want a bunch of stoners working for them, even if they're completely functional.

Had a friend recently just lose a very lucrative job as he got a killer promotion and then they tested him and he failed.
Probably bro... Just get a bottle of piss, and inject it in your penis.
I have an interview at an independent insurance agency and I was wondering if they usually drug test? As you all know, it's legal in Colorado but I'm still afraid they will drug test before I get the job, because I probably won't pass. What are the new laws with that? I doubt they change that, since it's still illegal federally but even if I have my med card and It's legal in this state will I still not get the job if i show up hot for marijuana? :sad:
IDK about that, but independents usually don't check with same guidelines as big chains, but I think if you show up, and show your card, and explain that you WILL test pos, they will know you're not a pothead trying to hide shit.
CYA (cover your ass) either way - pick up a synthetic urine kit (cheap=@$30-45, expensive @$80-125 w/fake penis), available at most headshops. I used MrClean X to pass mine a few months back. the kit includes a small bottle with a heat pack (the kind you take camping, handwarmers), strap that thing near your crotch, hope they don't watch you pee (if so, get the upgrade kits that have fake looking penis for a dispenser) and squirt that thing in there little bottle. new guidelines at the place I took my pee test was 4oz of fluid, so get the bigger kit to ensure you can fill to the line. the good news, was that they tested it onsite and told me before I left that I had passed :)

do your research and don't buy cheap kits, they are missing key ingredients that some labs look for as markers to see if the urine is real or fake.

alternately, if you know someone that is clean, get a colostomy bag and have your buddy fill it a bit (can also freeze it long term for future use), strap the bag around your waste and when it's time, just turn the knob and release .... if used right, you can also put a bunch into the toilet to make noise and see, "it's real" lol

I took a test like a year ago, dude was like can you come in within 3 days? I was like fuck it I'll come right now. I was clean at that point. I pissed maybe an ounce. I just told him I couldn't go anymore. Maybe get a friend piss for you or something? Just put in a bottle, and put under your armpit or something to warm it up. You could probably heat with a hand warmer to a pre determined temp, but you probably only got a few mins before it looks suspicious.
just do what dude above said, buy some quick fix synthetic.. i get tested at the methadone clinic once a month and have used it around 10xs or so now with the aid of a whizzinator and have passed every time..

i'd never recommend any of those detox drinks as i have mixed reviews on them, and it seems way to risky to lose a good job over a dirty ua, especially when you can pick up the quick fix for around $30 or so online.. :D
Legal or not, most employers don't want a bunch of stoners working for them, even if they're completely functional.

Had a friend recently just lose a very lucrative job as he got a killer promotion and then they tested him and he failed.

This pisses me off! They think enough of the person who has been working for them to promote them, then they piss he comes back with just MJ and he gets fired? That sucks, why do companies do this? Loose and employee who does a great job is liked and respected because of a urine test. Sad, we need to fix this!
Some wierd advice itt. DO NOT TELL YOUR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYER YOU SMOKE THE GANJ. Hopefully they don't care one way or another, but if they are a drug-free workplace your red card won't help you. It's better to tell them what they want to hear, pass the pre-employment screen, then just hope for the best.

Years ago I was on probation (for possessing a bit of 420, of course), which of course included random testing. The rubber fallus or the bag under the armpit wouldn't fly, because they'd watch you (if taking it in the PO office).

My trick: First, abstain for a few days prior, if possible. Next, GNC sold these things called QuickCaps. It was 20 pills with some sort of diuretic/B1 formula. The instructions were to eat 2 pills and drink 8oz of water every 20 minutes until the pills were gone. By the time you were done water was flying out every oriface, but you had 3-4 hours to take the test. The key to this is water: you drink so much that you float into the lab. The diuretic in the caps ensured you'd been to the bathroom a few times and expelled whatever was in your system, and all that was going into the cup was water you'd just drank. The B1 gave it a yellow color (clear pee is a giveaway).

This was a rough way to go, but I beat Quest Diagnostics (or whatever they called themselves back then) several times and never pissed hot. I don't know if QuickCaps are still available by name, but I picked up a similar product at a local store a month ago during my job search.

Additional pro tip: Catch it mid-stream, no the beginning or the end.

Also, avoid masking agents with Goldenseal. They test for that.