It was diluted. I drink more than 2 gallons of water that day plus too large cans of Redbull. the Red Bull was to make my piss yellow but my piss was still crystal clear.
1: How many panel test was it?
2: Plain water drinking to clear a test is EASY for the tester to call! Any "excuse" of drinking a lot of water daily being "normal" will get you a hair test fast! Bet ya won't beat that one!
Simple solution to beat CANNABIS testing up to a 10 panel is SIMPLE!
Go to a health food store and get something called GOLDENSEAL TEA....I like the pre-made bags from ALVITA.
Make a 2 cup batch with boiling water and add the water to a thermal mug with the bag in it (add a TBL spoon of dark brown sugar to beat the taste) and let it sit for 8-10 min and squeeze the bag a few times in that. Add Ice and cool it! Drink it up to 1/2 hr before test....Have a MONSTER over a Red Bull for when you do high in-put water use to add back a washed out protein found in all pee and they have tests that include a "threashold" level for that. Monster will add back color better too. Testers LOOK for clear and they call that deceptive to those paying for the test.
This can (GoldenSeal) raise a certain protein level that can be measured in 12 and above panels and Gas Chrome testing - Be careful as that causes a re-test or a FAIL!
Now if it's a single panel THC test - just drink the GoldenSeal and pass - no "over-watering" needed!