Dry droopy outdoor plant, what to do.


Active Member
It looks like this plant got skipped on watering.
The soil measures dry on one side and then moist on another.

Look at the lowest branch, its drooping.
I put in 1.5 gallons of water and 45 minutes later nothing changed.
Right below the branch the dirt is moist but reads dry,

On the other side its dusty dry.

Its 2pm and 90f deg.
I have hay on the soil.

Should I put some more water?
Iv been battling with this plant to stay alive for months.
It appears turning it 45 degrees once a week helps it.
Its such a bitchy girl.

However the dry thing, Im so noobish first timer and with my panic disorder I could pass out sitting in that hot sun trying to panic and fix her.

Should I 911 water?
This time it looks like the emitter its self was broken off or something, I just dont know!

Should I just sunbrella her?
FUK, This girl just hates it at my house.



Active Member
Just the small mini branch.
Its really dry down there but the root mass appears wet.

The water meter reads bone dry just below the wilted branch.


Active Member
The temp is 91°F with high hot sun.
Should I stick it out till its not direct sunlight?
The bag is also bone dry where the happy plants have wet bag pots.


Active Member
gave 2 gallons and put a sunbrella over the grow bag.
:( Being noob, Iv not got used to the drama of sick or weird plants, plus human error.


Well-Known Member
The next time let your soil dry and give a good watering so where ever you stick the meter it is wet when your done. I have the same meter also that branch is at the bottom of the canopy. Sun is probably not hitting it a whole lot. Dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Give it a heavy, EVEN watering, eliminating those dry spots. If it's 91* and sunny, you surely don't have to worry about overwatering. Those dry spots in the soil are your problem, so the most important part is to make sure to get those moistened. :)


Well-Known Member
most plants will wilt under those conditions. i wouldnt worry to much. shading the container is the right thing to do. hopefully u do have drainage in the bag. other wise the hot water in the bottom will cook and kill the roots. if it a probleme to water it ever day. take a few rocks or wood and place them around the top of the bag. so that you can put a piec of plywood or styro foam card board. on top of them so they have atleast a 1 inch space between the dirt and flat material. you can over size it and shade the bottom also. that will let air flow and keep ur bag cooler. also you can get some logs and build a tepee and place some burlap on it over ur plant to make shade blocking alittle light wont hurt.


Active Member
Thanks, I feel lots better. Answers are spot on.
I water every day, twice a day as the sun drains the water badly.
I use cloth smart pots and any extra water drips out.

jawbrodt, yes, I think you are correct. I need to get a wand and put the water on very evenly as I ~DO~ have dry spots all over that bag and some wet spots.
It needs to be WET in the morning so it can survive the hot day.
I got on my hands and knees and just dug around.

This plant has had problems for months, perhaps uneven watering.

I learn something every day.
I'm new to alot of this, too, so sorry I don't know what you mean by the 'bag', but I'd just like to add that where soil is very dry, it's hard to keep water from running right past it. A good way to make sure it gets evenly watered is to put the pot in a slightly larger container, then water it. As the water flows thru, it will fill up the container. If there are dry spots in the soil, you will see bubbles coming up from it. Keep watering until the water in the container is nearly even with the top of the soil in the pot, and there are no more bubbles coming up. This may take a while if the plant's soil is really dry. You can also poke around (carefully) to loosen it up. The pot will be heavy when it's thoroughly saturated.
DON'T LEAVE IT THIS WAY! Be sure to take it out and let it drain, and then return the hay mulch.

Also, some plants conserve their energy by wilting a bit. Sometimes a plant looks wilted but perks back up when the temp goes down.